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ielts詞彙記憶:Mind Map 框架記憶

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在備考雅思考試的時候,詞彙是基礎,尤其是在口語和寫作方面,對於詞彙的要求是比較高的,那麼大家應該如何高效的記憶單詞呢?今天我們就爲大家整理了ielts詞彙記憶:Mind Map 框架記憶,一起來了解一下吧。

ielts詞彙記憶:Mind Map 框架記憶

舉幾個雅思寫作的真題爲例,看看“Mind Map 框架記憶”的威力。

1、School should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



參加體育活動,有助於保持良好的生活習慣(keep a healthy lifestyle),適應高強度工作和競爭(adapt to intensive work and competition),釋放壓力(release pressure from life),保持心理健康(psychological well-being),變得樂觀(be optimistic),還有助於於團隊精神(team spirit),鍛鍊人際交往能力(improve interpersonal communication and social skills),最終擁有好的職業前景(have great career prospects)

2.Should secondary school have a class of international news? Some people think it is waste of time, while others think it is necessary. To some extent, do you agree or disagree, and why?



多讀新聞,有助於拓展知識(extend your knowledge),開拓視野(expand the horizons),培養廣泛興趣(cultivate wide interests),擁有洞察力的見解( an insightful perspective on sth)提高批判性思維技能(improve our critical thinking skills), 擁有好的職業前景(have great career prospects)。並且有了廣泛興趣是不是有助於交友,找到志同道合的朋友,有助於拓展自己的人脈資源呢?(expand your network and reach)。

3.University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?




以上就是爲大家整理的ielts詞彙記憶:Mind Map 框架記憶的相關內容,不管是雅思口語,還是閱讀,還是寫作,對於詞彙都是有要求的,如果詞彙量達不到,就很難在雅思考試中取得好的成績。