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padding-bottom: 100%;">人教版四年級上冊英語期末試題及答案


一、 選出下列詞中的合適中文或英文。

( )t A.運動 B. 遊戲 ( )2. find A. 找到 B.食物

( )etball A.排球B.籃球 ( )lly A.通常 B大概

( )en A.花園B. 公園 ( )6.醫生 or B. farmer

( )7. 危險的erous B. safe ( )8. 星期四 A. Thursday B. Friday

( )9.司機 e er ( )10.剪刀 sors rt


( ) do you do ___the weekend?

B. on C. for

( )2.I like ____rope . A. jump B. jumping C. jumps

( ) you like football?______.

A. Yes, I am. , I do. , I do. m

( ) ____ to play computer games.

A. likes B. liking C. /

( )5 I¬¬¬¬---------your knife?

( )6. _____ you good at skating? A. Do C. Are

( )e goes roller skating ___ bike. A. by B. on

( )8._____ do you usually go to work every day?

A. What B. Where C. How

( ) you often go _____?

A. swim s ming

( ) I use your pen?

______,I’m using it

B. ok C. sorry


( ) rope A.跳繩

( ) subway B.摘水果

( )3. pick fruits C.去看電影

( ) to the cinema D.乘地鐵

( )5. paly with fire E. 上學

( ) to school F.跑下樓梯

( ) down the stairs G.開小汽車

( )e a car H.玩火

( ) the weekend I.想要成爲

( )10. want to be J.在週末


( )1. Where are you going? A. I like running.

( ) spots do you like? , I do.

( ) do you do on the weekend? C. I want to be a nurse.

( ) do you usually go to school? D. We are going to the park.

( ) you often go to the cinema? E. We often play ping-pong.

( )6. what do you want to be in the future? F. I usually go to school by train.


My name is Jack. I’m from the USA. I am nine years old. I like

basketball, and I am good at it. I often play basketball with my friends on the weekend. It’s fun. I also like ping-pong, but I can’t it well.

I am going to China with my parents by plane next month(月)。I want to make new friends there. I also to learn to play ping-pong.

( ) is from the USA.

( ) likes to play ping-pong.

( ) wants to make new friends there.

( ) wants to learn to jump rope.




( A )t A.運動 B. 遊戲 ( A )2. find A. 找到 B.食物

( B )etball A.排球B.籃球 ( A)lly A.通常 B大概

(A )en A.花園B. 公園 ( A )6.醫生 or B. farmer

( A )7. 危險的erous B. safe (A )8. 星期四 A. Thursday B. Friday

( B)9.司機 e er ( A )10.剪刀 sors rt


( B ) do you do ___the weekend?

B. on C. for

( B)2.I like ____rope . A. jump B. jumping C. jumps

(B ) you like football?______.

A. Yes, I am. , I do. , I do.

( A ) ____ to play computer games.

A. likes B. liking C. /

( A)5 I¬¬¬¬---------your knife?

( C )6. _____ you good at skating? A. Do C. Are

( A )e goes roller skating ___ bike. A. by B. on

( C )8._____ do you usually go to work every day?

A. What B. Where C. How

(C ) you often go _____?

A. swim s ming

(C ) I use your pen?

______,I’m using it

B. ok C. sorry


( A) rope A.跳繩

( D ) subway B.摘水果

( B )3. pick fruits C.去看電影

(C ) to the cinema D.乘地鐵

( H )5. paly with fire E. 上學

( E) to school F.跑下樓梯

( F ) down the stairs G.開小汽車

( G )e a car H.玩火

( J ) the weekend I.想要成爲

( I )10. want to be J.在週末


(D )1. Where are you going? A. I like running.

(A ) spots do you like? , I do.

( E ) do you do on the weekend? C. I want to be a nurse.

( F ) do you usually go to school? D. We are going to the park.

( B ) you often go to the cinema? E. We often play ping-pong.

( C )6. what do you want to be in the future? F. I usually go to school by train.


My name is Jack. I’m from the USA. I am nine years old. I like

basketball, and I am good at it. I often play basketball with my friends on the weekend. It’s fun. I also like ping-pong, but I can’t it well.

I am going to China with my parents by plane next month(月)。I want to make new friends there. I also to learn to play ping-pong.

( T ) is from the USA.

( T ) likes to play ping-pong.

( T ) wants to make new friends there.

( F ) wants to learn to jump rope







