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Learning Chinese

Nowadays, English is the necessary language for Chinese students, most parents pay special attention to the English education, they believe that it can help their kids to have advantage over others. There is no doubt that English is of great importance, while Chinese is ignored. Actually, Chinese is the language that spoken by most people around the world. As Chinese economy develops so fast, the world is keeping their eyes on China. Many foreigners have already started to learn Chinese, they want to do business with Chinese people and seek for cooperation. Though Chinese is our mother tongue, we still need to master it well, or we will be kicked out.

如今,對於中國學生來說, 英語是必要的學習語言,大多數家長特別重視英語教育,他們認爲英語可以幫助他們的孩子比別人有優勢。毫無疑問,英語是非常重要的,而中文卻被忽略。實際上,中文是世界上最多人講的語言。由於中國經濟的發展如此之快,全世界都在關注着中國。許多外國人已經開始學習中文,他們想和中國人做生意,尋求合作。雖然漢語是我們的母語,我們仍然需要掌握它,不然我們就會被淘汰。


Shoud Students Do the Housework

According to the report that most children in the family don’t have to the housework, because their parents have done all the work for them. When students go to middle school, it means they are not the little girls and little boys anymore, they have grown up and it is time for them to learn to be independent. Doing the housework and reducing the parents’ burden help the children to be mature, what’s more, the parents should not overprotect their kids all the time, they can give some jobs to the children and lead them to be independent. Doing the housework is not a big deal, but it is the attitude to life.



The Clean Water

When I was very small, I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents. I had the great time there, I liked the environment so much. There was a long river in front of my house, the water was very clean, I could see the small fish swim. My grandma usually washed her clothes along the river side. But now when I went back to my hometown, the river was very dirty, the water was light yellow and there were so many rubbish floating in the river. It made me feel that the river had lost its life. I missed the old time when I was playing in the river. It is human being that ruin the environment, if we don’t take action to protect it, we will destroy ourselves.



I Love Class Activity

I am in middle school now, this is my second year, I have to learn so many subjects from Monday to Friday. When comes to the class activity, I will be very excited and take part in the activity. Class activity can take me away from the heavy study, I can take in the fresh air. What’s more, it is also provides a good chance for students to communicate. They will get further understanding of each other and build the deep relationship, what a happy atmosphere. This is why I like class activity so much, I wish we could have more chances to hold the activity, we not only pay attention to the study.



My Stage

I am a shy girl, when my teachers ask me the questions, I will always low down my head and answer them with small voice. Because of my character, I miss the chances to make myself stand out and I also don’t have many friends. I really want to change my situation, I don’t want to be a stand by anymore, I want to be part of the group. So I force myself to join the class activities, I find I enjoy them and I talk to my classmate a lot. I become active and start to try more things, I take part in the debate competition and show my ability, I find my stage.

我是一個害羞的女孩,當我的老師問我問題,我總是低下我的頭低, 小聲音回答。因爲我的性格,我錯過了讓自己脫穎而出的機會,我也沒有很多朋友。我真的想改變我的處境,我不想成爲旁觀者了,我想成爲班裏的一部分。所以我強迫自己參加班級活動,我發現我愛上這些活動,跟同學有個很多交流。我變得活躍,開始嘗試更多的東西,我參加了辯論比賽,展現我的能力,我找到舞臺。