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Mark Zuckerberg is one of the youngest billionaires ever- being only 8 days too old to hold the title. Everyone knows who he is and what he has done for the Internet with the invention and wildfire spread of his social networking site, Facebook. Yet, he remains one of the most controversial figures in Silicon Valley, constantly under fire from allegations ranging from the theft of the idea for Facebook to privacy concerns. Zuckerberg has been an advocate of technology since he was 10 years old and both the mission and actions of Facebook have demonstrated this with the purchases of some of the coolest companies in tech to a new initiative to bring the Internet to the entire world. Despite being the infamous founder of the world's largest social networking site, there are a lot of things people don't know about Mark Zuckerberg, and as Zuckerberg himself will tell you, David Fincher's Oscar winning film The Social Network has not helped the are ten things you should know about Mark Zuckerberg:

衆所周知,馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)曾是全球最年輕的億萬富翁之一。雖然他的這一頭銜只保持了8天就被更加年輕的成功者所取代。只要提及他的名字,定是無人不知、無人不曉。他所創立的網絡社交平臺——臉書(Facebook),更是風靡全球。即便這樣,他仍然是硅谷(Silicon Valley)最飽受爭議的人物之一,不斷被指控其創立的臉書存在盜竊隱私等問題。扎克伯格十歲時就已成爲一個實打實的"技術控",臉書優越的運行程序證明了他的"編程"能力。一些業內頂尖的技術導向型企業都選擇購買臉書的版權,試圖將這一互聯網革新產品推廣至世界的各個角落。儘管扎克伯格是一個"臭名昭著"的世界上最大的社交網站的創始人,可我們對他依然知之甚少。正如扎克伯格自己說的那樣,很多事情就連大衛·芬奇(David Fincher)的奧斯卡獲獎影片——《社交網絡》(The Social Network)也沒有鋪開講明。關於扎克伯格,我們還需知道以下十件事。

erberg Is a Private Person Who Wants to Make the World a More Open Place



Zuckerberg gives very few interviews and considers himself to be a private person. But, his job has increasingly required that he do large events and speak on stage. Zuckerberg is often criticized after these events because he is not the showman that other tech giants are. For instance, he doesn't have the calm, collected manner of the late Steve Jobs, nor does he have the crazed enthusiasm of Microsoft's Steve Ballmer. Some have complained that Zuckerberg is a "robot" and that he has been "overprogrammed." Interviewers have described him as speaking as though it were an instant message with few words and a flat voice. When asked if he is the same person on stage that he is with his friends, he agrees and says that he is indeed the same awkward person wherever he is.

扎克伯格很少接受採訪,因爲他一直都覺得自己只是一個普通人。但是,他的工作屬性需要他參加各式各樣的大型活動,並在各式各樣的舞臺上發表講話。扎克伯格畢竟不像別的科技巨頭那樣,有藝人般的表達技巧,每每活動結束,他都會被衆人批評表達欠佳。怎麼說呢,他沒有史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)那樣淡定的心態,也沒有微軟(Microsoft)史蒂夫.·鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)的狂熱態度。就像有的人抱怨的那樣——扎克伯格的表現力簡直太"程序化了",活脫脫一個"機器人"!採訪者評價他說話:語調平淡,寥寥數語。有人就表示疑惑,扎克伯格在舞臺上講話是這樣,難道他和他的朋友私下聊天也是這樣說話嗎?事實上,扎克伯格承認自己無論在哪、同誰交流,都是這樣一個尷尬的人。

The release of the film "The Social Network" did not improve Zuckerberg's public image. After the release of the film, which is supposed to be based on the events surrounding the foundation of Facebook, Zuckerberg described the film as "kind of hurtful." He insists that both the writer, Aaron Sorkin, and the director, David Fincher, embellished his life to create a more interesting film. In reality, coding is not glamorous and Zuckerberg did not create Facebook to spite a girlfriend after a break up. In fact, he was already dating his future wife at the time. Zuckerberg has said that his goal was never to make Facebook cool because he does not consider himself a cool person nor does he try to be. What he wants is for Facebook to be useful.

電影《社交網絡》的上映並沒有對扎克伯格的公衆印象有什麼改善。這部圍繞着臉書的創立所展開的電影上映之後,扎克伯格稱這部電影對他來說就是"一種傷害"。他堅信,不論是編劇艾倫·索爾金(Aaron Sorkin),還是導演大衛·芬奇,都在不同程度上爲了描繪自己想要塑造的故事而美化了他的人生。然而現實中,編程這件事並不像電影中那樣華麗精彩,扎克伯格本人也沒有在分手後創建臉書用以中傷其前女友。事實上,那個時候的他已經在同未來的妻子甜蜜約會了。扎克伯格曾表示,他從不認爲自己是一個天賦異稟的名人,也並不想成爲這樣的人,所以他也從沒想過讓臉書變得如此火爆,他只是單純地想讓臉書變成一個對大衆有用的社交平臺而已。

erberg Dropped out of Harvard to Devote His Time to Facebook


關於馬克·扎克伯格和臉書的10個事實(1) 第2張

Zuckerberg was Harvard material. His application listed speaking five languages and he had an education in classics which he enjoyed. He was approached by both Microsoft and AOL while he was still in high school, and he is often described as having a brilliant and focused mind. Zuckerberg was accepted by Harvard to join the graduating class of 2006 to study psychology, which fascinated him. Zuckerberg insisted that he would finish college before his sister having no intentions of dropping out. When he arrived at Harvard, he found that programming was more interesting than his classes and he admits to having a rather scarce studying schedule.


Zuckerberg admits that most people in his life thought he would drop out of school long before he actually did. Although he wasn't sure at the time that Facebook would become a viable company, his visit to Palo Alto inspired him to see where his coding mind might take him. While in Palo Alto, his first big investor wrote him a big check, insisting that Zuckerberg would drop out of school, even if Zuckerberg himself didn't know it yet. His parents also always knew he would not finish college. But, Zuckerberg is not an advocate of leaving post-secondary education behind. He insists that it is a time for young people to explore their minds and develop new hobbies and interests.

扎克伯格說到,他身邊的大部分人都以爲他會更早地從哈佛輟學,然而事實卻有違衆願。那個時候,他並不確定臉書會在日後變成一個有巨大發展前景的公司,直到訪問帕洛阿爾託市(Palo Alto)時他才受到啓發——他的編程思維一定會引領他走向成功。在帕洛阿爾託市,扎克伯格人生中的第一個大東家給他開了一張鉅額支票,在扎克伯格自身都沒有意識到時,這個大東家便篤定他一定會從哈佛退學。其實,他的父母也知道,扎克伯格想必是不會順利從大學畢業了。但值得肯定的是,扎克伯格並不是"輟學"行爲的倡導者。他認爲大學時光在人生中佔據十分重要的地位——年輕的我們有充足的時間探索自己的愛好和興趣,進行頭腦風暴。

Other famous dropouts include Michael Dell of Dell, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Steve Jobs of Apple, Larry Page of Google, Evan Williams of Twitter, David Karp of Tumblr (who dropped out of high school at 14!) All of these guys are billionaires, some several times over, and all of them have had a dramatic impact on both the tech industry as programmers and the world as philanthropists.

當然,還有很多我們所熟知的名人都沒有完成他們自己的學業,比如邁克爾·戴爾(Michael Dell, DELL品牌)、比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates,微軟)、史蒂夫·喬布斯(蘋果)、拉里·佩奇(Larry Page,谷歌)、埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams,推特)、大衛·卡普(David Karp,湯博樂)等,他們最終都變成了億萬富翁。作爲程序員,他們在高新技術產業上取得了重大成功。而作爲慈善家,他們也爲世界範圍內的慈善事業做出了巨大的貢獻。

Zuckerberg Insists That There Needs to Be More Women in Technology


關於馬克·扎克伯格和臉書的10個事實(1) 第3張

He says that young women should be encouraged to do computer science by older women in the industry, but at the same time, there are not enough women in the industry to do so. It is a vicious cycle but Zuckerberg insists that tech companies need to do better because more diverse companies do greater things. Facebook has started a program that pays for their female employees to freeze their eggs should they want to delay plans to have a family to further their careers at the company. Women would no longer have to leave at critical moments in their careers to have children or care for their families. This program benefits both Facebook and its employees. Facebook is not alone in this uncommon movement, either. Apple has also announced a similar program for it's employees. Facebook and LinkedIn have also announced a collaborative initiative to boost the number of women studying engineering and computer science. The initiative includes both mentoring and support programs at colleges across the country.


Facebook is home to Chief Operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, who is worth $1.1 billion and is one of the wealthiest women in technology. In 2013, Sandberg published her book, "Lean In," in which she described some of her personal experiences to encourage women to pursue the top positions in their fields. Her book launched international conversation about women in positions in power.

對臉書首席運營官(Chief Operating officer)——雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)而言,臉書像是自己的家。她的身價已達110萬美元,是技術領域最富有的女性之一。2013年,桑德伯格出版了《向前一步》(Lean In)一書,通過講述一些個人經歷來鼓舞女性在各自行業裏獲得最高職位。她的書引起了全球女性高管的熱議。

審校:圍巾 校對:Candy 編輯:旭旭