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The Ardila condo was not the only foreign-owned unit in Time Warner that was sold after an owner faced an investigation.


Mr. Contominas, the Greek businessman, sold his condo nine months after he was arrested in January 2014 and accused of using a commercial loan for personal expenditures. His lawyer, Grigorios Tsolias, said Mr. Contominas “is strongly denying any criminal accusation.”

2014年1月,希臘商人孔托米納斯(Mr. Contominas)遭到逮捕並被控將商業貸款用於個人花銷。九個月後,他賣掉了這裏的公寓。其律師格里格羅斯·索里亞斯(Grigorios Tsolias)表示,孔托米納斯“堅決否認任何刑事指控”。


Stewart Ford, another Time Warner owner, was facing a fraud investigation in October 2010 when he transferred the $6 million condominium he had bought in his own name to a shell company. At the time, Mr. Ford’s firm, Keydata Investment Services, was at the center of one of the biggest financial collapses in Britain, with an estimated 30,000 victims.

斯圖爾特·福特(Stewart Ford)是時代華納中心的另一名業主。2010年10月,當他面臨着一起欺詐調查時,福特與曼哈頓的一名公證人會面,將之前用自己名字購買的價值600萬美元的公寓無償轉移到了一家空殼公司。當時,福特的Keydata投資服務公司(Keydata Investment Services)正處於英國一起大型金融崩潰案的中心,估計受害者有3萬名。

That summer, it had been revealed that he had transferred close to $60 million out of Keydata investments before his company was put in receivership by the British government, and moved it into shell companies and trusts that benefited his family.


Phil Burbidge, a disabled former teacher, said he invested through Keydata in 2008 but lost his life savings when the firm imploded the next year. “I’m in complete and utter poverty,” Mr. Burbidge said. “It’s all gone. I can’t even mend the roof.”

曾經是老師的菲爾·伯比奇(Phil Burbidge)身有殘疾。2008年,他開始通過Keydata進行投資,但公司在第二年崩潰,導致他的畢生積蓄化爲烏有。“我現在處於赤貧狀態,”伯比奇說。“錢全都沒了,連屋頂都修不起。”

British financial authorities have concluded their investigation and notified Mr. Ford that they plan to take enforcement action, a spokesman for the British Financial Conduct Authority said in an email to The Times.

英國金融市場行爲監管局(British Financial Conduct Authority)的發言人在電子郵件中向時報表示,該國金融部門已經結束了相關調查,並通知了福特,他們計劃採取執法行動。

Mr. Ford, in turn, is appealing the authority’s decision, the spokesman said. In an interview, Mr. Ford said the government should not have put his company into receivership. He added that the funds he transferred out of Keydata investments were fees legitimately owed to entities his family controlled.


He has since sold the Time Warner condo.


Mr. Ford’s critics say he appears adept at keeping his assets out of reach of the authorities and bereft investors.


“We don’t believe he’s got any assets that are touchable,” said Geoff Hartnell, a financial adviser in Britain who invested in Keydata products and also sold them to 70 clients. “First of all, we know that he had trusts set up in the Dutch Antilles, trusts in Tortola, in the Virgin Islands.” He added: “If they turn around and fine him, then he says, ‘I’m not going to pay it.’ Since it’s civil, what can they do?”

“我們覺得他沒有任何可以追查的資產,”英國財務顧問傑夫·哈特內爾(Geoff Hartnell)說。他投資了Keydata的產品,並把它們出售給70名客戶。“首先,我們知道他在荷屬安的列斯羣島設立了信託,在維爾京羣島的托爾托拉也有信託,”他說:“如果他們轉過來對他處以罰款,那他就會說,‘我不會付錢。’這是民事問題,他們又能拿他怎麼辦?”

Even a computer server in the company’s office proved difficult for the authorities to examine. When British regulators seized it, Mr. Ford sued and said he did not own it. In fact, it was owned by a company that promoted Scottish culture, which in turn was owned by a shell company that was 70 percent owned by a trust, which, it was eventually revealed, was set up for Mr. Ford’s four children.


Anonymous in New York


Like most Time Warner owners, Anil Agarwal, an Indian mining magnate, is anonymous in New York. While interviews and private documents reviewed by The Times confirm he is behind condos purchased by the Amantea Corporation for $9.1 million in 2004, his name appears nowhere on public records. The deeds for Amantea’s Time Warner condos — one on the “maids floor” and another with sweeping views of Central Park — are signed by a New York lawyer named Constance Cranch. When contacted, she said: “You cannot say anything with respect to me. It’s a client of mine’s apartment, and I pay their bills.”

就像時代華納中心的很多業主一樣,印度礦業巨頭安尼爾·阿加瓦爾(Anil Agarwal)在紐約並不爲人所知。雖然採訪和時報審閱的私人文件可以證明,他在2004年通過阿曼泰亞公司(Amantea Corporation)購買了售價910萬美元的公寓,但他的名字卻完全沒有出現在公共記錄中。阿曼泰亞公司在時代華納中心的公寓——一套在“女傭層”,另一套則可以將中央公園的美景盡收眼底——房契由一位名叫康斯坦絲·克蘭奇(Constance Cranch)的紐約律師簽署。時報聯繫她時,她說:“對於我,你沒有任何東西可以說。這是我客戶的公寓,我幫他們支付賬單。”

For all the secrecy at Time Warner, Mr. Agarwal is hardly private about his wealth. He spends much of his time in London and told a newspaper in 2005: “I have to have a Bentley, the best of chauffeurs and butlers.”


But Mr. Agarwal and his company, Vedanta Resources, are known in some parts of the world for having left financial and environmental problems in their wake.

不過,在世界上的一些地方,阿加瓦爾及其名下的韋丹塔資源公司(Vedanta Resources)有着留下財務與環境問題的惡名。

He moved his company from India to London in the late 1990s, after it was banned from the Mumbai stock exchange for involvement in a prominent insider trading case.


Ten months before he closed on his Time Warner condos, Mr. Agarwal, his father and his brother were found to have illegally moved money out of India using shell companies in Mauritius and the Bahamas. The Agarwals, an Indian judge later wrote, “tried to pull wool over the revenue’s eyes and manipulated foreign exchange.”


There were also complaints about Vedanta’s environmental record and treatment of residents near its operations.


In September 2004, an Indian Supreme Court committee stated that Vedanta had dumped thousands of tons of “arsenic-bearing slag” around its factory in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. Gro Nystuen, a lawyer who evaluated companies for Norway’s pension fund, said the pollution was “harming the environment to such an extent that it also harmed the people living in the neighborhood.”

2004年9月,印度最高法院的一個委員會表示,韋丹塔在該公司位於南部泰米爾納德邦的一家工廠周圍傾倒了數千噸“含砷礦渣”。爲挪威養老基金評估企業狀況的律師格羅·尼斯滕(Gro Nystuen)稱,該污染“極爲嚴重地損害了環境,以致於還傷害到了周邊社區的居民”。

The next year, another Supreme Court committee accused the company of forcing 102 indigenous families from their homes in Odisha State, in eastern India, where it sought to mine bauxite for use in an aluminum refinery. According to the committee’s report, residents were “beaten up by the employees of M/s Vedanta.”


“An atmosphere of fear was created through the hired goons,” the report said. “After being forcibly removed they were kept under watch and ward by the armed guards of M/s Vedanta and no outsider was allowed to meet them. They were effectively being kept as prisoners.”


As Vedanta pursued its mining plan over several years, the plight of the indigenous tribe in Odisha became a focal point for international activist groups. The cause was taken up by Rahul Gandhi, the son of a former prime minister, as well as by Bollywood stars such as Gul Panag, who withdrew from a Vedanta marketing campaign.

隨着韋丹塔在接下來的幾年裏推進其採礦計劃,奧里薩邦原住部落的遭遇,成了國際維權團體關注的焦點。維權行動由印度前總理的兒子拉胡爾·甘地(Rahul Gandhi)和一些寶萊塢明星發起。女星古爾·潘納格(Gul Panag)還退出了韋丹塔的一項市場營銷活動。

The British commerce agency issued a rebuke of Vedanta’s actions in Odisha, and the Church of England’s investment funds sold their shares in the company in protest. “It was just very apparent that the lives of the villagers immediately around the refinery had been made worse, rather than better,” said Edward Mason, the chief of responsible investment for a $9 billion church fund. “The villagers had not been properly consulted about the process, or properly compensated.”

英國商務部門發表聲明譴責韋丹塔在奧里薩邦的所作所爲。英格蘭國教會(Church of England)旗下的投資基金拋售了該公司的股份以示抗議。“非常明顯的是,這家鍊鋁廠周邊的那些村民的生活變得更糟,而不是更好了,”愛德華·梅森(Edward Mason)表示。“村民們事前既未能獲得關於建設過程的充足信息,也未能獲得合理的賠償。”梅森在教會旗下一支規模達90億美元的基金,擔任投資社會責任主管。

Vedanta’s operations elsewhere have drawn intense criticism. Its copper mine in Zambia has been a source of both pollution and suspicion of financial improprieties. In 2006, two years after Vedanta acquired the mine, the company dumped hazardous waste into the Kafue River, a major source of drinking water for the country, according to a lawsuit filed on behalf of 2,000 residents. Fish were dying, according to the ruling in the case, and local residents experienced skin diseases, lung pain and diarrhea.


The company was fined by a local judge who wrote: “This was lack of corporate responsibility and criminal and a tipping point for corporate recklessness.”


Last year, Zambian officials began an audit based on suspicions that Vedanta was not paying the government its proper fees. Hundreds of former mine workers are fighting Vedanta for severance or disability pay. “This company is making its own rules in Zambia,” said Darious Yundayunda, a former miner who has been active with a group called Foil Vedanta. “People are struggling.”

去年,贊比亞官員開始對韋丹塔進行審計調查,理由是懷疑該公司未能向政府足額繳納費用。有數以百計曾爲韋丹塔工作的礦工在追討遣散費,還有其他一些人在追討殘疾撫卹金。前礦工達瑞斯·容達容達(Darious Yundayunda)參與了一個名爲“挫敗韋丹塔”(Foil Vedanta)的團體積極維權。“這家公司在贊比亞自行其是,”容達容達說。“掙扎的是普通人。”

Mr. Agarwal declined The Times’s interview requests over several months. But Vedanta has said publicly, “We remain fully committed to pursuing all our investments in a responsible manner, respecting the environment and human rights.”


Despite the complications and controversy, Mr. Agarwal’s fortune, according to Forbes, has grown from $1 billion to an estimated $3.5 billion since he purchased his condos at Time Warner.


Big Spenders


When Mr. Bloomberg set out the welcome mat for the world’s billionaires, the idea was this: Money they spent would trickle down to the doormen, concierges, cleaners, drivers and construction workers, as well as to the shopkeepers and restaurateurs who sell $5,000 handbags and $450 sushi dinners.


And many of the players at the Time Warner Center are indeed big spenders.


After Maxim Finskiy, a Russian business associate of the Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov, moved in, he imported his Bentley.

在布魯克林籃網隊的所有者米哈伊爾·普羅霍洛夫(Mikhail Prokhorov)的俄羅斯生意夥伴馬克西姆·芬斯基(Maxim Finskiy)搬進中心時,他運進了他的賓利(Bentley)轎車。

Robert Tsao, who gave up his Taiwanese citizenship after authorities there sued him unsuccessfully for investing in mainland China, owns one of the world’s most renowned private collections of Asian art.

曹興誠(Robert Tsao)擁有世界上最知名的亞洲藝術私人藏品。他在臺灣當局就他在中國大陸投資起訴他不成功後,放棄了臺灣籍。

Adam Chen, who graduated from New York University in May, was one of several college students to use the complex as a dormitory. He celebrated his birthday last year at the restaurant Per Se in the Time Warner Center, dining on its famous starter, Oysters and Pearls, all captured in photographs on Instagram.

5月從紐約大學(New York University)畢業的亞當·陳是幾個把這座大樓當成宿舍的大學生之一。他去年在時代華納中心內的Per Se餐廳慶祝了自己的生日,並吃了該餐廳著名的頭盤“生蠔和珍珠”(Oysters and Pearls)。所有的這一切都可以在Instagram上的照片中看到。

The precise impact of wealthy foreigners on the city may be more complex, though. As nonresidents, they pay no city income taxes and often receive hefty property tax breaks. A program aimed at new condo development doles out about a half-billion dollars in tax breaks a year, according to the city’s independent budget office. These savings are passed on to owners in the form of lower property taxes. The Time Warner Center was not part of the most lucrative tax break program, but many other buildings around Central Park have benefited.

但富有的外國人給這座城市帶來的確切影響可能更爲複雜。作爲非居民,他們不用繳納城市所得稅,且往往能得到鉅額的房產稅減免。據該市獨立預算辦公室(Independent Budget Office),一項致力於新共管公寓開發的計劃一年會發放約5億美元的稅務減免。這些省下來的錢以較低的房產稅的形式轉嫁至所有者手中。時代華納中心沒有包括在這項最具豐厚利潤的稅務減免計劃之中,但許多其他中央公園周圍的樓宇從該計劃中受益。

The city’s first condo costing more than $100 million, which sold in the last few weeks at the new luxury tower One57, had property taxes this past year of $17,268, according to the city’s finance office. Those taxes will go up over time, but for now that is a savings of more than $359,000.


The Fiscal Policy Institute, a nonprofit in New York, recently suggested a downside to the influx of billionaires who are in the city only sporadically.

紐約非營利組織財政政策研究所(Fiscal Policy Institute)最近指出了只偶爾在城中居住的億萬富豪涌入的一個負面影響。

“In terms of the local economy, you don’t have people who are going to plays, going to restaurants,” James Parrott, the institute’s chief economist, said. “They’re not spending at the dry cleaners, the grocers and all of that, so it deprives New York of all that local multiplier effect.”

“至於本地經濟,並沒有人去看舞臺劇,去餐館就餐,”該研究所首席經濟學家詹姆斯·帕羅特(James Parrott)說。“他們不在乾洗店、食雜店等等店鋪消費,所以紐約本地並沒有得到什麼‘乘數效應’。”

What is more, Mr. Parrott said, the skyrocketing prices of the pieds-à-terre are affecting the price of real estate in the city more broadly. “There’s a downside to having such pressure at the top. It pulls up the prices overall. When owners of $10 million condos see that there’s a big market for $95 million condos, they’re more likely to raise their prices,” he said. “Then the person at $2 million raises his prices, then the person at $1 million sees that and there aren’t any prices below $1 million.”


Through a spokesman, Mr. Bloomberg said last month that he had hoped billionaires who moved to New York would not simply be part-timers but would live in the city and pay taxes “so we could use that revenue for government services that, incidentally, disproportionately benefit lower-income New Yorkers.”


Some local politicians have suggested taxing the owners of pieds-à-terre who are not city residents.


“We are spending money to keep them safe and maintaining the infrastructure,” said Brad Lander, a city councilman. “Should there be the equivalent of a commuter tax? An international residents tax?”

“我們需要花錢保障他們的安全,維護基礎設施,”市議員布拉德·蘭德(Brad Lander)說。“難道不應該有類似‘通勤稅’的名目嗎?例如一個‘國際居民稅’?”

A proposal from the Fiscal Policy Institute would impose a graduated tax on pieds-à-terre worth $5 million or more. The group estimates it would generate $665 million a year in revenue for the city, mostly from owners of the approximately 445 apartments valued at more than $25 million.


There is no simple way to unmask ownership of a shell company. Exploring each of the more than 200 shell companies that have owned units in the Time Warner Center became its own journey, with its own surprise ending.


The case of Columbus Skyline, which paid $25.6 million for three condos, began with two clues: a barely legible signature and a forwarding address.


The signature on the deeds was difficult to read, but in one spot it could be made out: Wang Zi. A search of that name did not yield obvious results, but a Wang Zi did register a phone number at Time Warner. The Times cross-referenced that number and found it was tied to a firm called MQ Realty with an address at an apartment in a public housing complex in Chinatown. A visit to that apartment yielded little more than a conversation in Chinese with a neighbor who said the person behind MQ Realty had recently moved. It was a dead end.

法律文書上的簽名很難讀,不過有一處字跡可以辨認:王茲(音)。查詢這個名字並沒有得到什麼明顯的結果,不過此人的確在時代華納中心註冊了一個電話號碼。時報經過多方查證後發現,這個號碼屬於一家名爲MQ Realty的公司,註冊地址是華埠一處公屋裏的一間公寓。走訪這一地址並沒有得到什麼收穫,只是與鄰居用漢語交談後得知,MQ Realty背後的人物最近搬走了。線索斷了。

The second clue proved more promising. Columbus Skyline was formed in New York State. While the state filing does not list the name of the L.L.C.’s owner, it does have an address: 10 East 39th St., Suite 1110. In public records, one name comes up as having used that address: Wang Wenliang.

第二個線索更有收穫。哥倫布天際線是在紐約州成立的。儘管州政府的備案文件並沒有列出這家公司的主人,但是它留有地址:東39街10號1110室(10 East 39th St., Suite 1110)。通過在公開記錄中查考,時報發現有一個人曾使用過這個地址:王文良。

Further searches turned up a prominent Wang Wenliang. This Mr. Wang is a former municipal official in Dandong, a city on China’s border with North Korea, and a member of the National People’s Congress, China’s parliamentary body. Among his businesses is a construction empire that has worked on numerous consulates and embassies for the Chinese government, and he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He is on the board of trustees of N.Y.U., where he donated $25 million.


But establishing that Mr. Wang from Dandong was the owner of the Time Warner condos required more confirmation.


The lawyer listed on the condo sales was David Glassman. A search of commercial property filings showed that Mr. Glassman had also done legal work for an affiliate of Mr. Wang’s company, China Rilin Construction Group.

公寓銷售記錄上登記的律師是戴維·格拉斯曼(David Glassman)。通過查閱商業地產的登記文件,時報發現格拉斯曼也爲王文良的建築企業日林集團做過法律工作。

When The Times called Mr. Glassman, he briefly discussed the condos and said he would ask Mr. Wang if he would be interviewed about his ownership.


Another round of searches found a less glamorous side to real estate used by Mr. Wang’s company in the United States. In February 2011, the housing task force in Jersey City followed up on a complaint from a resident on Pavonia Avenue about the number of people living in a single-family residence rented by Rilin. “We conducted the inspection and uncovered conditions that were very troubling to say the least,” wrote Mark Redfield, the task force chairman.

通過另一輪查證,時報從王文良的公司在美國使用過的房產中,發現了不那麼光彩的一面。2011年2月,澤西城負責住房事務的工作組跟進了帕翁尼亞大街(Pavonia Avenue)一名居民提出的投訴,投訴的問題是日林集團租用的獨戶住宅里居住了太多人。工作組主任馬克·雷德菲爾德(Mark Redfield)寫道,“我們開展了檢查,發現那裏的情況往輕了說也是令人不安。”

“There were 15 Asian males with no identification, passports, or work visas all residing in this one-family attached rowhouse,” an internal email from Mr. Redfield said. “The house was divided up into sleeping quarters to accommodate 28 roomers,” he wrote, adding, “The crammed quarters were extremely unsanitary and posed an imminent hazard.”


The same day, Jersey City officials found “the same conditions” at another house that was used by Rilin for its workers, according to city records.


In 2013, Jersey City inspectors reported finding an illegal rooming house at another location used by Rilin. An internal city email said the building was “housing Chinese workers who work for the Chinese Embassy as construction workers. This is the same group China Rilin Construction Corp. that the task force issued summonses to in 2011 for housing multiple Chinese workers.”


Rilin paid fines of several thousand dollars for the 2011 violations. The outcome of the 2013 case was unclear from city records, but the company said it had been dismissed.


Mr. Wang’s lawyer said Rilin “took the allegations very seriously, and the reported violations were all quickly remedied by the company or dismissed.” He disputed the idea that 28 people lived at the Pavonia Avenue house, saying the top bunks had been used for storage. He said the Wang family had purchased the Time Warner condos through a shell company partly because a disgruntled former employee had threatened to harm them.


When The Times asked Ms. Sample, the Time Warner real estate agent who represented Mr. Wang, for information about his condo purchases, she shot back: “How do you know about him?”
