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全球併購活動今年創新高 M&A breaks records but dealmakers fear for

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padding-bottom: 58.29%;">全球併購活動今年創新高 M&A breaks records but dealmakers fear for

Dealmakers are worried that bond market turmoil and global instability could hit mergers and acquisitions in 2016 after deals reached an all-time high this year, surpassing 2007’s peak.


Driven by a surge of tie-ups in the pharmaceuticals, energy and consumer sectors, the total value of announced transactions has climbed to $4.6tn, compared with $4.3tn eight years ago, according to Thomson Reuters data.

根據湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的數據,受到製藥、能源和消費行業併購急劇增加的推動,已宣佈併購交易總額升至4.6萬億美元,高於8年前的4.3萬億美元。

Many of these deals have been for tens or hundreds of billions of dollars, including blockbuster tie-ups between drugmakers Pfizer and Allergan, brewers AB InBev and SABMiller, and oil majors Royal Dutch Shell and BG Group.

其中很多交易規模達到數百億甚至數千億美元,這些大規模併購包括製藥商輝瑞(Pfizer)和艾爾建(Allergan)、釀酒企業百威英博(AB InBev)和南非米勒啤酒(SABMiller)以及石油巨擘荷蘭皇家殼牌(Royal Dutch Shell)和英國天然氣集團(BG Group)。

Hunger for growth in a weak economic environment, cheap financing and continued pressure from activist shareholders to boost returns drove many companies to combine.


Dealmakers have said these fundamentals remain broadly intact for 2016. However, many have also warned of growing fears among their peers that a fresh terror attack, like that in Paris last month, or another financial crisis could tarnish business confidence and bring the M&A run to an end.



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