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富達中國基金股價打折 Discounts widen on UK listed China funds

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富達中國基金股價打折 Discounts widen on UK-listed China funds

Five years ago, two of the most attractive investment propositions for British investors collided. Anthony Bolton, Fidelity’s famed stockpicker, launched a China fund in a year when the Asian nation’s economy grew by almost 12 per cent in the first quarter.

五年前,對英國投資者最具吸引力的兩個要素湊到了一起。富達(Fidelity)著名基金經理安東尼波頓(Anthony Bolton)推出了中國基金,那年這個亞洲國家第一季度經濟同比增長近12%。

Fast forward to 2015, and Mr Bolton’s legacy fund — now run by Australian small-cap specialist Dale Nicholls — is trading on the London stock exchange at a wide 20.5 per cent discount to net asset value, depressed by China’s surprise currency devaluation this week and volatility on the Shanghai stock market as China’s economy slows down.

到了2015年,波頓的這個基金已由澳大利亞小盤股專家戴爾尼科爾斯(Dale Nicholls)接手。在倫敦證交所上市的該基金的股價相對於資產淨值有20.5%的折讓,受人民幣最近意外貶值和中國經濟放緩之際A股市場震盪的影響。

Discounts on UK-listed China funds may look tempting for retail investors with a strong risk appetite, but amid such uncertainty, there is much to be nervous about.


The dwindling numbers of China bulls argue that whilst the nation’s economic growth has slowed to 7 per cent, this level will be sustained as long as the country remains closely controlled by Beijing policymakers who determine everything from bank interest rates to birth rates.


Meanwhile, some long-term investment stories, such as the opportunity for China’s consumer economy to develop, remain compelling.


“You can see the Chinese government is trying to control the growth rate lower,” said Brewin Dolphin Asia Pacific analyst Mike Paul, referring to measures such as Beijing’s clampdown on so-called shadow lending by funds and trust companies that previously boosted growth.

券商Brewin Dolphin的亞太分析師邁克保羅(Mike Paul)說:“你可以看到中國政府正試圖以可控的方式放緩增長速度。”他提到北京方面採取措施抑制所謂的影子銀行貸款,這些貸款由基金和信託公司發放,在前些年曾推動增長。

“You can argue they can raise it again.”


He contended however, that China’s economy is opaque and its stock markets are “pretty volatile,” adding: “China does make us nervous.”


Certainly, China’s central bank spooked markets this week by devaluing the Chinese currency, the renminbi, in an attempt to stoke up exports as the economy slows.


A further worry is China’s high debt, which hit 282 per cent of GDP in mid-2014, according to McKinsey.


In 2009, to shelter China’s economy from the global recession that was sparked by the subprime lending crisis in the US, Beijing prompted what could be a subprime crisis of its own.


The country’s banks, the largest of which remain mostly owned by the state, lent an estimated $1,650bn to local governments in the aftermath of the global recession for GDP-boosting infrastructure projects. Many were unnecessary, with the artificial demand they created bloating industries such as steel, which overproduced.


With China’s central planners now having ordered lower growth, some classes of steel became cheaper by weight than cabbages last year. Wangjing, a gleaming new office district in Beijing, is half empty.


The Shanghai Composite index — which owing to China’s strong currency controls is mostly traded on by domestic investors — has lurched 12 per cent lower over the past three months. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index, which offers shares of many of the same companies that can be purchased in freely exchangeable Hong Kong dollars, has fallen 13 per cent.

上證綜指(Shanghai Composite index)三個月來震盪下跌12%;中國嚴格的外匯管制意味着,活躍在境內股市的主要是國內投資者。香港恆生指數(Hang Seng index)下跌13%,在上海上市的很多股票也在這裏掛牌上市,能用可自由兌換的港元買賣。

But in the longer term, China’s consumer economy is a source of investor optimism. According to Fidelity, 33 out of 100 rural households do not currently own a washing machine or fridge. China’s vast scale makes the numbers even more compelling. For example, McKinsey calculates that China’s online gaming sector — which it valued at $18bn last year — is now bigger than Turkey’s passenger vehicle market.


The consumer sector is what Mr Nicholls’ Fidelity fund focuses on, and analysts back his ability to pick the right stocks in a slowing economic environment. But because the fund buys riskier, small companies, many remain lukewarm about its growth prospects.


Numis Securities analyst Ewan Lovett-Turner calls Fidelity’s fund “one for the contrarian”. Brewin Dolphin’s Mr Paul has a neutral rating, meanwhile, calling it “too aggressive” for most of his clients.

Numis Securities分析師伊萬洛維特-特納(Ewan Lovett-Turner)稱,富達的這支基金是“適合逆向投資者的基金”。Brewin Dolphin的保羅則給予該基金中性投資評級,但同時稱,該基金對於他的大部分客戶來說“太過激進”。

The other listed option for UK investors is the JPMorgan Chinese Investment Trust, which focuses more the large, blue-chip companies that dominate China’s economy. It is trading at an 18 per cent discount to net asset value.

英國投資者的另一個上市基金選項是摩根大通中國投資信託基金(JPMorgan Chinese Investment Trust),該基金更關注主導中國經濟的大型藍籌公司。該基金的股價較資產淨值有18%的折讓。

This fund is also highly geared, at around 116 per cent, which its client director James Glover said is because there are multiple “opportunities” from the “pullback” in equity markets.

該基金的槓桿率也很高,約爲116%。其客戶總監詹姆斯格洛弗(James Glover)表示,高槓杆率是因爲股市的“回調”包含很多“機會”。

Investors managing their own money would be wise to navigate China’s great wall of risks with caution.


China’s alphabet soup


Volatility on the Shanghai stock market grabs many headlines, but is not a bourse that foreign institutions are even allowed to put a lot of money into.


Because of Beijing’s strict currency controls, foreign investors mostly buy stocks in Hong Kong, which are broadly labelled as H shares. Shares of the same Chinese companies, for example the country’s largest bank ICBC and China Telecom, trade as an H share in Hong Kong and an A share in the Shanghai market, which is dominated by local investors.

北京方面嚴格的外匯管制意味着,大多數境外投資者在香港買入中國內地股票,這些股票被寬泛地稱爲H股。同一家中國公司的股票,比如中國最大銀行中國工商銀行(ICBC)和中國電信(China Telecom),在香港作爲H股交易,在由本土投資者主導的上海股市則作爲A股交易。

The A share market has been the most volatile, with sharp swings in sentiment driving the Shanghai Composite down by ten per cent in the week to July 31 and up 9 per cent in the week to June 5. It is still 21 per cent ahead so far this year.


Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index, meanwhile, is up a more sedate 4 per cent this year, even though two out of its three biggest components by weighting — China Mobile and internet giant Tencent — are also companies that trade in Shanghai.

與此同時,香港恆生指數今年僅平緩上漲4%,儘管其三大成分股中的兩家——中國移動(China Mobile)和互聯網巨擘騰訊(Tencent)——也同時在上海掛牌上市。

But the same companies’ stocks are valued completely different on the A and H share markets. ICBC’s stock trades at 98 per cent of its book value in Hong Kong, and 110 per cent in Shanghai. Overall, shares in Shanghai are trading at a 35 per cent premium to their Hong Kong counterparts, according to Bloomberg data.


James Glover, client director of listed investment trust JPMorgan Chinese, said that his fund’s wide discount to NAV has been driven by the headline-grabbing ructions in Shanghai. Like most foreign-managed China funds, however, this trust has scant exposure to A shares. “Our weighting to A shares last quarter was 4 per cent,” he said.




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