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padding-bottom: 122.46%;">圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點

1.印度德里 Sulabh國際廁所博物館


Sulabh means "a public toilet" in Hindi. Meanwhile, the company opened a "Delhi's most eccentric museum" as well. Visitors can take a closer look at the history of human health and can learn a lot from the pictures of the toilets from 2,500 BC to the present.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第2張

2.美國德州漢斯維爾 監獄博物館

監獄博物館由已離職的監獄工作人員運營,館中的一系列明星展品包括退役電椅“Old Sparky”、走私貨展覽、及德州Rodeo監獄用品,還有鴛鴦大盜邦妮(Bonnie)與克萊德(Clyde)被打死時所駕駛的那輛汽車。

Prison Museum is operated by the prison staff who have left the operation. The museum contains a series of star exhibitions including retired electric chair "Old Sparky",the car in which Thief Bonnie (Bonnie) and Clyde ( Clyde) were killed.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第3張

3.美國田納西州孟菲斯 羣鴨走秀


A host of five ducks will be led by the owner, marching from the Peabody Hotel fountain to the lift and came back, twice every day.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第4張

4.帕勞羣島岩石島 水母湖


Even the diving "veteran" also said that the experience here is "most incredible". There are groups of Jellyfish in the lake, but they do not stab people. Divers can swim with jellyfish, or pick them up without worrying about injuries.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第5張

5.墨西哥Isla La Roqueta 喝啤酒的驢

Isla La Roqueta以藍天碧海和當地的驢而馳名。有趣的是,這裏的驢還對冰啤酒情有獨鍾,常常在餐桌邊穿梭。

Isla La Roqueta is famous for the blue sky and the the local donkey. Interestingly, donkeys there even have a special liking for beer, ice.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第6張

6.美國賓州Hellam Haines鞋屋


The Haines Shoe House was bulit by "Shoe Wizard" in the late 1940s, and now it has become a must-see attraction for fans of shoes, and the American culture lovers. Appearance of this house is like a colossal shoe.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第7張

7.加拿大新斯科舍 稻草人村


This is absolutely the world's largest collection of scarecrows, which also includes the "straw Mami" of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第8張

8.美國佛羅里達州Key Largo 耶穌水下雕像

這座高九英尺的雕像是美國首個水下公園——約翰?潘內坎珊瑚礁州立公園(John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park)的一大看點,此外這裏還是人氣頗高的水下婚禮舉辦地,當然也適宜潛水。

This nine-feet-tall statue belongs to the first underwater park of the United States. In addition, it is very popular to underwater wedding venue.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第9張

9.新西蘭瓦納卡 迷宮世界


New Zealand's South Island is never lack of novelty and excitement, but you still have to go to visit the maze world, and its entrance is a strangely shaped, tilted 53 degrees housing, and the most surprising thing is the toilet. Marked outside the toilets for men and women, but later you'll find having entered the same room.

圖文閱讀:世界十大稀奇古怪景點 第10張

10.美國華盛頓州 Moosefest

風景如畫的Roslyn小鎮舉辦過諸多稀奇古怪的歡慶活動,不過它名揚天下的原因在於曾是美國昔日熱門劇集《北國風雲》(Northern Exposure)的外景地。每年夏天,都會有這部1990年代劇集的忠實粉絲來到這裏遊覽。

Roslyn picturesque town used to hold a number of bizarre celebrations, but it was famous because it is the setting of the once popular television series named "Northland" (Northern Exposure). Every summer, a lot of royal fans will come and visit here.