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家長讓學生抓狂 Parents Drive Students Crazy

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padding-bottom: 120%;">家長讓學生抓狂 Parents Drive Students Crazy
It is said that Chinese parents are the world’s most responsible parents, it sounds like the praise to Chinese parents, but thinking further, sometimes it can be an irony. Parents keep their eyes watching their kids all the time, they almost drive the kids crazy.
Li Ming is a college student from a law school, he just seems to can’t get loose from his mother. He was about to take a spring trip with his classmates, while his mother showed up for a visit. Li said he couldn’t leave his mother alone that she would keep watching him. College life is supposed to be a season removed from parental nagging. But students like Li Ming, can’t convince their parents to give them some space. As for Li’s mother, he said he knew she loved him, but he wishes she would treat him like an adult, rather than like a primary school kid. Chinese parents care too much about their kids, some will call them everyday, just to make sure the children are safe, but too many interference will drive the students crazy, they have grown up, they need private space.
Parents should be aware that their kids will be an adult, they have to learn to let go gradually.



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