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雙語財經新聞 第64期:奉免於辦公室政治(2)

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Leam to read the company’s culture學習理解公司文化How do people dress and speak? What is the company’s mission statement? How is it reflected in the workplace and in the treatment of employees? For example, if you work for an environmentally-friendly company, don’t brag about your SUV.別人是怎樣著裝和講話的?什麼是公司的宗旨?它是怎樣反映在工作場所和員 工的待遇之中的?舉例來說,如果你在一個氣氛友好的公司裡工作,就不要吹噓你的SUV。Form Strategic Alliances組成戰略聯盟Make yourself valuable to those with power, knowledge or tenure. Go out of your way to offer assistance. When you need help, you Ml have established a network of supporters.使自己受到那些有權、有勢、有學問的人的尊重,有意識地為他們提供幫助。當 你需要幫助的時候,你就已經建立起了一個支持者的網路。Think before you speak or act說話或做事之前要三思而行One impulsive, off the cuff statement or act can significantly damage your career. Silence is golden, especially when you are angry, tired or at a company-sponsored social event.一次衝動、莽撞的言行,就能對你的職業生涯造成非常嚴重的破壞。沉默是金, 尤其是在生氣、疲憊的時候,或是在公司發起的社交場合上。Proof your e-mails for typos and politically incorrect language檢査你的電子郵件.看是額拼寫或政觸言上Every message you send is being judged. Make sure you don’t “bury the lead” in your e-mails. Get to the point quickly and end with a call to est second-party endorsements你所發出的每個資訊都會受到別人的評判。不要在電子郵件裡“把前途埋葬 掉”。要儘快切中要點,然後以一個行動呼籲結尾。if you’ve performed well in an assignment or project, asking the manager whom you’ve helped to pass along words of praise to your boss is a smart thing to do. If they are willing to put it in writing, better yet.請求第二方的認可Hone your sense of humor如果你在某個任務或專案上做得非常出色,可以請求得到你幫助的經理向老 板美言幾句,這也不失為一個明智的做法0如果他們願意付諸書面形式,那就更求 之不得了。This can be your ace in the hole! It will get you through trying times and people will seek out your company.訓練你的幽默感Learning to effectively survive office politics is a skill that you perfect with trial and error. Anytime there are more than 2 people working together, you can experience tension and conflicting desires, you’ll need a tool kit of survival techniques. Start practicing now!這將會成為你手中的王牌!它能使你渡過艱難時期,人們也會願意與你交往。學會有效地倖免於辦公室政治,是一種你要經過反覆磨鍊才能漸臻完美的技 巧。無論何時,只要超過兩個人在一起工作,你就會感到緊張併產生牴觸的想法。你 需要擁有一個生存技巧的工具箱。現在就開始付諸實踐吧!

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