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名詞解釋:白色情人節,(英語:White Day;日語:ホワイトデー),訂於3月14日,一般認爲是對於西方情人節的延續,最早起源於公元三世紀時的羅馬。相傳羅馬皇帝設立情人節是爲了紀念自己在2月14日救了一對因違反戀愛結婚禁令而要被處死的戀人。一個月後,也就是3月14日,這對情侶宣誓至死不渝,後來便成爲白色情人節開始流傳到其他國家。普遍認爲日本最早接受並推廣這個節日,由於日本強大的文化軟實力使得亞洲國家紛紛效仿,於是這個沒有準確史料記載的情人節也成爲年輕情侶看重的另一個“情人節”。你知道“白色情人節”英語怎麼說嗎

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St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, and White Day is on March 14 — one month later.

White Day is believed to have been introduced by a marshmallow manufacturing company in the 1960s.

The white marshmallows gave the day its name but other kinds of presents such as candy, flowers, etc. have become more popular over the years.

According to a survey, Valentine's Day is more popular among single people than married couples, however, White Day is clearly more popular among married people (51%) than singles (40%).






文中的White Day就是“白色情人節”的意思,這個節日流行於日本、中國臺灣等地區,是我們所知道的西方情人節(St. Valentine's Day)的延續。相傳,2月14日,男孩送女孩禮物。到了3月14日,如果女孩回贈男孩禮物,就表示女孩認可男孩了。

相關的禮物有:玫瑰(rose)、超大隻的泰迪熊(big plush Teddy Bear)、巧克力(chocolate)、香水(perfume)、定做的飾品(personalized jewelries)等。