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A.A.R = against all risks 擔保全險,一切險
. = Accepted Bill Number 進口到單編號
A/C = Account 賬號
AC. = Acceptance 承兌
acc = acceptance,accepted 承兌,承諾
a/c.A/C = account 帳,帳戶
ackmt = acknowledgement 承認,收條[/color]
a/d = after date 出票後限期付款(票據)
. = advertisement 廣告
adv. = advice 通知(書)
ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 從價稅
A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提單
Agt. = Agent 代理商
AI = first class 一級
AM = Amendment 修改書
A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信匯
Amt. = Amount 額,金額
A.N. = arrival notice 到貨通知
A.P. = account payable 應付賬款
A/P = Authority to Purchase 委託購買
a.p. = additional premiun 附加保險費
A.R. = Account Receivable 應收款
Art. = Article 條款,項
A/S = account sales 銷貨清單
a/s = after sight 見票後限期付款
asstd. = Assorted 各色俱備的
att,. = attention 注意
av.,a/v = average 平均,海損
a/v = a vista (at sight) 見票即付

B/-,b/- = bale,bag 包,裝
bal.,balce. = balance 餘額
bbl. = barrel 桶,樽
B/C = bill for collection 託收票據
B.D. = Bills discounted 貼現票據
B/D = bank draft 銀行匯票
b/d = brought down 承前頁
B’dle,bdl = bundle 束,把
B/E = bill of exchange 匯票
B/F = brought forward 承前頁
bg = bag 袋
BIS = Bank for International Settlement 國際清算銀行
BK = Bank 銀行
Bkg. = Banking 銀行業務
B/L = Bill of Lading 提單
B/N = bank note 銀行紙幣
B.O. = Branch Office 分支行
b/o = brought over 承前
bot. = bottle 瓶
B/P = bill purchased 買入票據,出口押匯
B/P = bills payable 應付票據
B/R = bills receivable 應收票據
Brl.,barl. = barrel 桶,樽
bx = box 箱,盒

C/- = case,currency,coupon 箱,通貨,息票
c. =cent,centimes,centigrade 分(美),分(法),百分度(寒暑表)
C.A. = Credit Advice 收款報單
C.A.D. = cash against documents on arrival of good貨到後憑單付款
c.a.d. = cash against documents 憑單證付現金
c.a.f.= cost and freight 成本加運費
cat. = catalogue 貨品目錄
C.B. = clean bill 光票
C/B = Clean Bill 光票
C.B.D. = Cash before delivery 付現金後交貨
c.c. = carbon copy,cubic centimeter 副本,立方公分
C/C,C.C = Chamber of Commerce 商會
pC/D = cash against document 憑單據付款
C.D. = Collection and Delivery 託交
Cert.= Certificate 證明書
c/f = carried forward 過次頁
C&F = cost and freight 運費在內價
C.F.S. = container freight station 集裝箱集散場
c.f.& i. = Cost freight and insurance 運費保險費在內價
C.H. = Clearing House 票據交換所
C.I. = Certificate of Insurance 保險單
C&I = Cost and Insurance 貨價及保險
c.i.a. = cash in advance 預付現金
cif,c.i.f. = cost,insurance and freight 運費保險費在內價
c.i.f.&c.= cost,insurance,freight