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關於a well paid job 雅思口語怎麼回答

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熱點雅思口語話題a well-paid job 雅思口語該怎麼回答呢?很多備考雅思的人都沒有一個滿意的答案。接下來小編在這裏給大家帶來a well-paid job 雅思口語該怎麼回答呢?,我們一起來看看吧!

關於a well-paid job 雅思口語怎麼回答

  a well-paid job 雅思口語怎麼回答

新題何足懼,舊恨何其多,手握真題集,屠鴨亦可期。一轉眼,雅思口語進入了1-4月的新一輪話題季,小站雅思頻道第一時間爲大家整理出範文答案,趕緊喪心病狂地開練吧,一切皆有可能,衝7就在此刻了。本文口語話題:Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future

1-4 月雅思口語題庫已猙容畢現,雅思口語考試的規律決定了,這些題目將會在餘下的時間裏,成爲你的雅思口語通關的噩夢!但小站懂你更懂雅思,以下爲你帶來範文。

新晉話題:高薪工作Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future

you should say:

what it is

how you can find this job

what qualities it requires

and explain why it is well-paid and why you think you will be good paid.


There are many jobs in the world which are well paid, such as the job of a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a politician and so many I would like to talk about a job, which is very well paid is the job of a teacher.

Everyone passes through the hands of teachers in school and college hers are known as nation other professions such as doctors and nurses also pass through the hands of a teacher.I believe that teachers have the power to make the world a better place. A teacher is like a candle that burns itself and shows light to e age-old times, teaching has been considered a noble ancient India, there was the gurukul the king’s children stayed in the home of the guru or the used to do the household chores of the guru and in return the guru hers improve the literacy rate of a literacy rate is high, crime and violence go down. A teacher requires good communication skills and depth of knowledge of his subject. A good teacher should treat all students days, teachers are being paid handsomely be the government. This is to lure bright students to join this profession.A bachelor’s in education degree is required to be a teacher. I believe in enjoying what I do and at the same time I wish to do quality work. These children are our future.

One of my aunt’s is a teacher. She is earning handsomely. She tells me that she enjoys her job very much.I have seen her students give her a lot of respect and love. One day, I wish I too become as successful as she is.



1. 劍3的內容已經老化,可以作爲參考,但不必過分關注。您可以在網上買一套盜版的劍4-劍9,10元左右一本,劍9內容相對較新,有必要練習。

2. 除了劍橋雅思,在口語方面,近期常考的高頻口語話題也很重要,一定不能忽視。您可以關注各大雅思網站或論壇中的網友回憶。提前準備。這些話題重複出現的概率很高。

3. 平時把個人信息方面的表述用英語總結出來,比如職業,愛好,家庭,生活條件等。每一項可以多說一些,保證內容儘量詳細。也就是說,把能準備的內容提前準備好。這樣,在第一部分自由問答環節就不至於顯得不流利

4. 通過劍橋雅思考試上的命題練習和最近常出的高頻話題總結,把第二部分自我陳述環節按類別練習(人物,事件,物品,地點)。每一部分都要細化練習。如:人物題要準備認識的和不認識的人(明星),男人和女人,年齡大的人和年齡小的人,好人和壞人等。準備一些“半成品”,如人物外觀描述。這樣,無論出什麼題型,只要有描述一個人,就需要有外觀描述和性格描述,就可以把事先準備好的“半成品”串起來。讓考官覺得內容具體。

5. 第三部分是拔高環節,通常是決定考生的分數是6分還是7分,7.5分(很少有學生達到)的環節。這個部分主要考查考生的觀點是否鮮明,有沒有獨到的見解。有點像雅思大作文。所以,平時遇到一些值得討論的社會現象,可以多練習闡述個人觀點。即使用漢語練習也有幫助。有一個雅思口語老師,由於是女老師,知識面較窄。結果自己考雅思時很難達到高分。

6. 平時注意口語習慣,儘量避免習慣性語法錯誤。語法是評分點之一。另外,避免漢語化表達和直譯。有些考生說的話很難讓考官理解。分數自然就不高。您如果沒時間參加培訓,可以多看看英文原聲的影視作品,網上下載一些音頻材料也行,多聽也可以提高口語能力,“聽說不分家”。但儘量選擇校園題材的,或者生活題材的。

7. 考試時儘量別說考官聽過很多遍的大衆答案。儘量選擇有特色的答案。如很多學生,尤其男生。提到愛好時,不是football, 就是basketball。有一次我自己參加雅思考試,我說的是:Unlike

other Chinese students who usually enjoy playing football or basketball as

their hobby, I am really keen on ice hockey. 結果考官覺得很有新意。我的成績也不錯。

8. 儘量不要說那種很難展開的話題,也就是說,別給自己挖坑。如:問你中國的好玩的地方,如果你說故宮,那麼,故宮內的很多建築,如:太和殿,中和殿,保和殿,文溯閣,乾清宮等,都很難用英語表述。所以,面對考官的連環問題時:What

things are so interesting in it?,就無法應對了。

9. 可以適當杜撰,很多關於你的個人信息都可以說假話。如:Do you

have any brothers or sisters? 很多中國學生都是獨生子女,若說No,則很難展開,顯得內容太少。所以可以說有個小弟,在結合外觀描述等“半成品”,內容就多了。

10. 一定要時刻想着“我是在和考官交流,聊天”,而不是“考官是在考我”,這樣在口語考試時發揮就會更自然,讓人感到更舒服。