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padding-bottom: 66.56%;">人教版高一英語下冊第七單元知識點

1. It is on this arable land that the famers produce food for the whole population of China.



[答]這是個強調句,,其結構爲:It is (was)+被強調部分+that/who-從句,被強調部分可以是句子的主語、賓語、狀語等,如果被強調部分是物,從句用that引導,如果指人,則可用that或who來引導從句。課文第三段還有一個強調句。又如:

It was they who (that)helped me in the street this morning. 今天上午就是他們在街上幫了我。

It was this morning that they helped me in the street. 他們是今天上午在街上幫我的。

Who was it that taught them French yesterday? 昨天教他們法語的是誰?

What was it that the new teacher taught them yesterday? 昨天新老師教他們的是 什麼?

2. To make as much use of the land as possible. two or more crops are planted each year where possible. 爲了更充分地利用土地資源,在可能種植兩種或兩種以上作物的地方種植不同的作物。

[問]不定式短語爲什麼放在句首?怎樣理解as possible 和where possible?

[答]不定式作目的狀語可位於句首,起強調作用,此外i norder to 和so as to 都可引導目的狀語,但so as to 不能位於句首。如:

(In order )to pass the exams, he did his lessons till late at night.


此句可改爲:He did his lessons till late at night so as to pass the exam. 句中的make use of 是一個短語,意爲:“利用、使用”,如:

We should make full use of time in our study. 我們在學習中應充分利用時間。

It is very important for us to make good use of water. 好好利用水資源是很重要的。

句中的as much ... as possible 意爲:“儘可能多地……”, much 後接不可數名詞,若爲可數名詞,則用many來修飾。又如:

Please give him as muvh help as possible. 請儘可能多地買了書。

句中的where possible 是一種省略形式,在句中作地點狀語,相當於where it is possible ,連詞if,when, while, until等都可用於這種省略句。例如:

I will pay you a visit when (I am)free. 我有空時會來看你的。

Tell the manager immediately about it if (it is )necessary. 如有必要,迅速把這事兒告訴經理。

3. This saves time and allows famers to grow an extra crop in each season. 這就節約了時間允許農民可以在每個季節裏種植一種額外的作物。

[問]allow 和let的含義和用法有什麼不同?

[答]二者均可作“允許”解,但各有側重;allow重在“允許”或“容許”,也可表示客氣的請求,常用於allow sb. to do sth. 或allow doing sth. 結構中。例如:

He allowed me to take his dictionary. 他允許我拿走他的詞典。

Will you allow me to use your bike?我可以用你的自行車嗎?

We don't allow smoking here. 我們不允許在這兒抽菸。

而let作“允許”或“讓”解,主要用於口語,一般可與allow互換。作“允許”解時,常暗含“聽任”“默許”之意。注意: let之後作賓補的不定式不帶to, 且不可用於被動語態,而allow則相反。例如;

Please let me walk with you (=Please allow me to walk with you. ) 我(請允許我)跟你一起走。

4. It is from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment. 科學家開始發展研究既提高農業產量又不破壞環境的新技術是在二十世紀九十年代。


[答]develop 意爲:發展,發達,發揚,發育,進步,逐步生長,逐步顯示出來”等。如:

Plants develop from seeds. 植物由種子發育而成。

Several industries are developing in this area. 幾種工業正在這個地區發展。

Some children develop more slowly than others. 有的兒童比其他的兒童發育得慢。

Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies. 新鮮空氣和運動能使身體健康。

He developed the photo graphs which he had taken. 他沖洗了他拍攝的膠捲。

developing 意爲:“發展中的”, developed意爲“發達的”,如:

China is a developin country while Japan is a developed one. 中國是個發展中的國家, 而日本是個發達的國家。

介詞without 表示“不,沒有”, 後接名詞、代詞或-ing形式,在句中用做狀語、表語或定語,如:

She day passed without seeing me. 她從我身邊走過而沒有看見我。

They never meet withour quarreling. 他們一見面就要吵嘴。

Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditonal methods. 未來的農業將依靠高科技和傳統的方法。

[問]as well 和as well as有什麼不同?

as well意爲: “還;也”, 相當於too, 通常位於句末。 如:

He gave me advice, and money as well. 他給我忠告,也給我錢。

She went there as well. 她也去了那兒。

as well as 與as well 同意,但常用來連接兩個並列成分,可譯爲:“除……之外;和”。強調的重點在第一個成分。 如果連接的兩個並了成分作主語,謂語動詞的數和第一個成分一致。 如:

He gave me money as well as advice. 她除了給我忠告外,還給我錢。

You as well as I are right. 我是對的,你也是對的。

5. Not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment. 不僅食物生產很重要,保護好環境也同樣重要。


[答]此句相當於:Not only food production but also taking care of the environment is important. 並列連詞not only also...意爲:“不僅……,而且……”,連接兩個並列的主語food production 和taking care of the environment.

not only... but also ...也可連接兩個並列的謂語、賓語、表語、狀語等,還可連接兩個並列的句子,所強調的重點是後面的一個。有時可省略also。又如:

She not only sings well but (also)dances beautifully. 她不但歌唱得好,而且舞也跳得很優美。

He was not only a successful writer but (also)the greatest poet of his time.他不但是一位成功的作家,而且 他啊那個時代最偉大的詩人。

He is famous not only in China but in the whole world. 他不僅譽滿中國,而且譽滿全世界。

當not only also...連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞應採取“就近一致”的原則,與後面哪個主語保持人稱和數的一致。如:

Not only the students but also the teacher is pleased. 不僅同學們高興,老師也高興。

Not only he but also you are going there. 不僅他,而且你也要去那兒。


biggest problem of Chinese farmers is _____.

shortage of arable land of labor force

of technology of money

【答案】 A

ntists have started to develop new technology to increase agricultural production without harming the environment since _____.

19th century rn times

early 1990s 1980s

【答案】 C

techniques are those which can _____.

ease agricultural production

ect the environment from being harmed

g in great profit

only increase agriculture production but also be friendly to the environment

【答案】 D

h of the following is true according to the passage?

Sixie was the earliest agricultural scientist.

knowledge in Qi Min Yao Shu is not useful for farmers today.

Sixie's book is a practical guide to farming.

Sixie's book deals with only farming.

【答案】 C

Sixie's book includes advice on the following subjects except _____.

ng wine ing cows,sheep and fish

ing vegetables and trees ng food

【答案】 D

best harvest is reached when _____.

ers change the crops in their fields

ers plough the soil deeper

ers sow seed at the correct time of the year

fertilizer is put into the fields

【答案】 A

age 1 mainly tells us about _____.

ers in China development of agriculture in China

nced technology in China tically modified plants in China

【答案】 B

age 2 is mainly about _____.

ing in China ening in China

history of agriculture in China Sixie and his Qi Min Yao Shu

【答案】 D

h of the following is most probable in future agriculture according to Text 1?

high technology is used.

will greatly harm the environment.

will depend on only traditional methods.

will depend on both high technology and traditional methods.

【答案】 D

Text 2 we can see that _____.

itional methods are still of great use itional methods should be given up

itional methods are of no use itional methods are out of date

【答案】 A





