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padding-bottom: 56.29%;">哥倫比亞總統獲諾貝爾和平獎

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has won the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize, despite the rejection by the country’s voters last week of his historic deal with the rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc).

哥倫比亞總統胡安•曼努埃爾•桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)贏得了2016年諾貝爾和平獎,儘管該國選民上週拒絕了他與哥倫比亞革命武裝力量(FARC)叛軍達成的歷史性協議。

The Nobel committee said the efforts by Mr Santos had nonetheless brought the search for a permanent peace “significantly closer” and commended his “resolute efforts to bring the 50-year long civil war to an end”.


The committee acknowledged there was “real danger the peace process will come to a halt and the civil war will flare up again”. But it said the prize was an effort to “encourage” all those trying to achieve peace, justice and reconciliation in Colombia.


Mr Santos, 65, said he was accepting the prize on behalf of the victims of the civil war. “I receive this with great emotion, and this is something that will forever be important for my country and the people who have suffered with this war, especially the victims.


“The message is, we have to persevere until we reach the end. To reach the end of this war, we are very, very close. We just need to push a bit further, to persevere. He said the government had restarted peace talks with the Farc, adding: “I hope they understand how important it is also to support this process because peace will be much stronger and much more durable if it’s supported by every single Colombian.”


Mr Santos made his name in politics as a supporter of his predecessor, álvaro Uribe, who later emerged as leader of the opposition to the peace deal. Mr Santos served as minister of defence in the Uribe administration from 2006 to 2009 and earned Mr Uribe’s endorsement in the 2010 election.

桑托斯在政治上作爲他的前任阿爾瓦羅•烏里韋(álvaro Uribe)的支持者聲名鵲起;後來烏里韋成了反對和平協議陣營的領導人。桑托斯於2006年至2009年擔任烏里韋政府的國防部長,並在2010年的選舉中獲得烏里韋的支持。

But on taking office, Mr Santos shifted away from Mr Uribe’s hardline approach to Farc, changing the government’s slogan from “democratic security” to “democratic prosperity”. In the recent referendum campaign Mr Uribe labelled Mr Santos a “Castro-Chavista” and Farc as “narco-terrorists”.


The opposition campaign successfully tapped into widespread popular hatred of the leftist guerrillas, who have committed atrocities over five decades.


The Nobel committee said yesterday that giving the prize to Mr Santos was a tribute to those Colombians who had not given up hope of a just peace, and to the countless victims of the civil war.
