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In the global luxury real-estate scene, is Lagos poised to be the next big thing?


The Nigerian city is among a list of 12 up-and-coming luxury markets around the globe, according to a new report from Savills World Research, in cooperation with design firm Candy & Candy and Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management.

據第一太平戴維斯全球研究部(Savills World Research)、設計公司Candy & Candy以及德意志資產及財富管理(Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management)聯合發佈的新報告,全球12個前景良好的豪宅市場中包括尼日利亞首都格拉斯。


The other cities are Beirut, Cape Town, Chennai, Chicago, Dublin, Istanbul, Jakarta, Melbourne, Miami, Panama City and Tel Aviv. The most expensive city is Tel Aviv, where an entry-level, two-bedroom luxury apartment typically cost $1.45 million in March; the least expensive was India's Chennai, where a luxury two-bedroom cost around $160,000.


The report considered economic factors, such as job-market potential and gross domestic product, but also a number of qualitative aspects, like cultural attractions and the presence of English as a first or second language.


In 2013, there were nearly 200,000 people world-wide with wealth exceeding $30 million, according to the Wealth-X & UBS World Ultra Wealth Report. As prices continue to rise in prime markets like New York, London and Hong Kong, Yolande Barnes, director of Savills World Research, predicts that luxury buyers will increasingly look to less mature markets for better value.

據Wealth-X & UBS World Ultra Wealth報告,2013年,全球有近20萬人的財富超過3,000萬美元。第一太平戴維斯全球研究部負責人巴爾內斯(Yolande Barnes)預計,隨着紐約、倫敦和香港等主要市場房價的繼續上漲,豪宅買家將越來越多地在不太成熟的市場尋找更有價值的物業。

The cities run the gamut, from well-established markets like Melbourne and Tel Aviv, which have yet to reach their full investment potential, the report notes, to developing markets like Chennai and Lagos, which may have larger returns but more risk for buyers. 'You have to look at the political risk,' said Nick Candy, CEO of Candy & Candy, noting that unpredictable currency exchange and ownership hurdles for foreigners in some markets might dissuade some buyers.

報告指出,這份名單既包括墨爾本和特拉維夫這樣知名但還沒有釋放出全部投資潛力的市場,也包括金奈和拉各斯這樣潛在收益可能更高但風險也更大的發展中市場。Candy & Candy的首席執行長坎迪(Nick Candy)稱,投資者必須考慮政治風險。他指出,一些市場難以預測的匯率情況以及對外國人持有房產的限制會讓一些買家放棄購買。

In Tel Aviv, the Manhattan Tower attracts cosmopolitan buyers, says Tomer Fridman, CEO of Israel Sotheby's International Realty. 'Ten to 15 years ago, there wasn't an international product,' he said. Today, the 10,000-square-foot penthouse in the tower is listed for $25 million. He credits the city's thriving tech industry and interest from Europeans, among others, for the surge in foreign buying.

Israel Sotheby's International Realty的首席執行長弗裏德曼(Tomer Fridman)稱,特拉維夫的曼哈頓大廈(Manhattan Tower)吸引着全球各地的買家。他表示,10至15年前還沒有國際性產品,而現在這座大廈上1萬平方英尺的頂層公寓標價2,500萬美元。他認爲,這座城市蓬勃發展的科技行業、以及來自歐洲買家的興趣是外國人購買豪宅數量激增的主要原因。

Other markets on the list are similar to Panama City. The Central American hub is poised for rapid growth thanks to a mix of foreign investment and government policies that benefit international buyers, said Andrea Kam, a consultant for real-estate brokerage Bonavivi in Panama City.

這份名單上的其他城市與巴拿馬城相似。巴拿馬城房地產中介Bonavivi的顧問卡姆(Andrea Kam)稱,得益於外國投資以及巴拿馬政府有利於國際買家的政策,巴拿馬的豪宅市場即將出現快速增長。

The global recession hit some markets on the list particularly hard, but the report says home prices are rebounding. In Dublin, for example, inventory is tightening and demand is rising, said Graham Murray, head of residential for Savills in Dublin.

全球經濟衰退對名單上某些市場的打擊尤其慘重,但這份報告稱,住宅價格正在反彈。第一太平戴維斯駐都柏林的住宅業務主管默裏(Graham Murray)舉例稱,都柏林的住宅存量在減少,而需求卻在增長。