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經過一年的尋找,蘋果終於找到了零售和線上商店的高級副總裁(Senior Vice President of Retail and Online Stores)


她就是 Burberry 之前的 CEO 安吉拉·阿倫茨(Angela Ahrendts)

She’s coming to Apple at a very crucial time in the company’s development post-Steve Jobs, and although she’s worked in fashion most of her life, she looks like the perfect fit.



She wasn’t raised with handmade elegance. Ahrendts, whose father retired as a smalltown entrepreneur and whose mother did a bit of local modeling, spent her childhood in New Palestine, Ind., sewing her own clothes and dreaming of a job in the fashion industry.
她1981年畢業於鮑爾州立大學(Ball State University),獲得了市場行銷學位。

Her story at Burberry is reminiscent of Steve Jobs at Apple.
She was asked to be the CEO of Burberry in 2006, and she accepted the position and moved to London with her family.
The scenario was very similar to when Steve Jobs returned to Apple in the late 90s. From the aforementioned Wall Street Journal profile:
在她接手 Burberry 之前,該品牌遭遇了挫折。隨處可見的格紋被年輕的工薪階層濫用,他們也被稱爲“chavs(意爲衣着通俗沒文化的年輕人)”,被二流名人從頭穿到腳,並被廣泛仿造。


那時 Burberry 正處於身份危機之中,就像蘋果公司在90年代一樣。阿倫茨將支離破碎的博柏利產品線細化爲一個奢侈品牌。和喬布斯一樣,她加入博柏利後做的第一件事就是削減不必要開支和裁員。

“In luxury, ubiquity will kill you—it means you’re not really luxury anymore,” said Ahrendts earlier this year in the Harvard Business Review.
“And we were becoming ubiquitous. Burberry needed to be more than a beloved old British company. It had to develop into a great global luxury brand while competing against much larger rivals.”
她任職期間的 Burberry 的營利從20億英鎊增加到70多億英鎊,Burberry 現在是全球五大奢侈品牌之一,在全球各地開有530家分店。

話說回來,其實蘋果和 Burberry 一直是親密的朋友關係。


“If I look to any company as a model, it’s Apple,” said Ahrendts a few years ago. “They’re a brilliant design company working to create a lifestyle, and that’s the way I see us.”
在iPhone 5s推出之際,Burberry 和蘋果合作,獲得了獨家授權,在倫敦時裝週上用全新蘋果手機拍攝展品。

蘋果的現任 CEO 蒂姆·庫克認爲她聰明到了邪乎的地步。在發給蘋果員工的內部備忘錄中,他寫到:

She shares our values and our focus on innovation.

She places the same strong emphasis as we do on the customer experience.

She cares deeply about people and embraces our view that our most important resource and our soul is our people.

She believes in enriching the lives of others and she is wicked smart.

Angela has shown herself to be an extraordinary leader throughout her career and has a proven track record. She led Burberry through a period of phenomenal growth with a focus on brand, culture, core values and the power of positive energy.