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The death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on Thursday, at about age 90, leaves British Queen Elizabeth II as the oldest living reigning monarch in the world.

週四,沙特阿拉伯國王阿卜杜拉(King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia)去世,享年90歲。英國女王伊麗莎白二世成爲世界上仍然在世的年齡最大的統治君主。

The queen is 88, and will turn 89 on April 21, although her birthday is typically celebrated in June when the weather is better.


The queen and her husband, Prince Philip, who is 93, have cut back on their long-range overseas travels in recent years, leaving it to their children and grandchildren. But not entirely.

最近幾年,女王和她的丈夫——現年93歲的菲利普親王(Prince Philip)已經減少了遠途的海外活動,將其交由子女或者孫輩來完成。但女王並沒把所有活動都委派給年輕的皇室成員。

padding-bottom: 67.81%;">伊麗莎白女王成爲在世最長壽的君主

She has a several engagements in the U.K. in her diary for next week, and will pay a state visit to Germany in June, according to Buckingham Palace.


Meanwhile, she's due to set other records this year: Next month will mark her 63rd year on the throne, having acceded when her father, King George VI, died in February 1952.

今年女王還將創造一些其他的記錄:下個月將迎來女王統治的63週年。1952年2月,女王在其父親喬治六世國王(King George VI)去世後即位。

And on Sept. 10, she will pass her great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria, as the longest reigning British monarch ever.

而到9月10日,女王的統治時長將超過其曾曾祖母維多利亞女王(Queen Victoria),成爲史上在位時間最長的英國君主。


reign: 統治

monarch: 君主

cut back: 削減

long-range : 遠程的

diary: 工作日程登記簿

state visit: 國事訪問

accede to: 繼承(王位)