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庫克爲什麼不買下蘋果? 衆網友爆笑解答大綱

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“With such amazing and innovative products, strong executive team and labor force, loyal customer base, significant capacity for debt, $109 billion of cash in marketable securities, it is surprising that Tim Cook has not already initiated a leveraged management buyout of the company.”

So writes Marwaan Karame of IDG Capital Group in a provocative Seeking Alpha article backed with eleven spreadsheets, seven graphs and two Monte Carlo simulations.
在給美國財經資訊網站Seeking Alpha撰寫的一篇挑釁性文章中,IDG Capital Group的瑪萬o喀拉密寫下了上面這段話。喀拉密在文中用了11個電子表格、7個圖表和兩個統計試驗法模擬來佐證自己的觀點。

庫克爲什麼不買下蘋果? 衆網友爆笑解答

You can read his analysis at Apple’s Leveraged Management Buyout Potential. But don’t miss the lively back and forth in the comment stream.
各位可以在《蘋果公司管理層槓桿收購的潛在可能》(Apple’s Leveraged Management Buyout Potential)一文中看到喀拉密的分析。但是,千萬別錯過評論區精彩的脣槍舌戰。

A sample:

– alistairt: One of the best examples I’ve seen to date of someone mindlessly applying a LBO model without consideration of the underlying business reality.
- alistairt:這是我迄今見過的生搬硬套槓桿收購模型,而絲毫不考慮根本商業現實的最好例子。

– relayer75: Not going to happen. The largest LBO in history was RJR Nabisco, at $31 billion. This would be 18x that amount.
- relayer75:根本不可能。歷史上最大的槓桿收購案例是美國雷諾茲-納貝斯克公司(RJR Nabisco),收購價爲310億美元。假如蘋果被收購,規模將是雷諾茲-納貝斯克收購案的18倍。

– rroo: Cook is a level-headed guy, more like Gates or Buffet. LBO (money and power) are for those infected with megalomania.
- rroo:庫克頭腦冷靜,這一點有些像蓋茨或巴菲特。而只有自大狂纔會對槓桿收購(金錢和權力)念念不忘。

– rsbduff: This is the same attitude that has ruined many a company. They buy them…load them up with debt…rape them…then dump them on stupid investors…once again
- rsbduff:這種態度已經毀掉了許多公司。他們將公司買下來……欠下一屁股債……把公司搜刮的乾乾淨淨……然後又讓傻呼呼的投資者來接盤

– Timmiesregular: There are some benefits to being public — especially if you are profitable. Going private is only done when the company needs to be out of the public eye – like Dell.
- Timmiesregular:上市公司能享受到不少好處——特別是如果公司盈利的話更是如此。公司私有化通常是公司需要淡出公衆視線時的權宜之計,戴爾就是一個很好的例子。

– Hank890: An AAPL LBO would be a major GIFT to any I-bank tasked with handling it. But it is not clear that the customers or employees would get much out of it. Just because an LBO is possible does not mean it is advisable.
- Hank890:如果蘋果被槓桿收購,那負責這筆交易的投行就賺大了。但客戶或公司員工不見得有太大的好處。槓桿收購有可能不代表就是明智之舉。

– wdchil: An LBO might have almost have made sense when Apple was below $400 but it certainly doesn’t now. The debt would be in the “sketchy junk” arena.
- wdchil:蘋果股價低於400美元的時候,槓桿收購似乎講得通,但現在絕對不合適。假如此時蘋果進行槓桿收購,它的債務將基本等同於垃圾債。

– petergrayhill: This latest surge from high 400′s to 635 will end badly for the millions of mom’n’pop retail investors as well — head fake to trade. LBO is a certainty within 5 years.
- petergrayhill:蘋果股價從400多美元一路上漲到635美元的最新一波上漲行情最後會死得很難看,數百萬散戶投資者也將沒有好果子吃——交易的障眼法。槓桿收購5年內一定會發生。

– alexkeywest: An LBO of this company is delusional at best.
- alexkeywest:蘋果將被槓桿收購簡直是癡人說夢。

– doc: “Its a wonder that Tim Cook has not pursued a leveraged management buyout already” He doesn’t live in a theoretical world with too much time on his hands.
- doc:“蒂姆o庫克沒有尋求進行管理層槓桿收購,實在是令人吃驚。”因爲庫克沒那麼閒,沒工夫在那兒紙上談兵。

– brittlerock: Does SA pay people to write this junk?
- brittlerock:Seeking Alpha花錢請人寫這種垃圾文章?

To answer brittlerock: Seeking Alpha’s rates are $0.01 per page view. Authors of PRO articles receive a minimum guaranteed payment of $150-500.
回覆brittlerock:Seeking Alpha的稿費費率是,頁面點擊量的單價爲0.01美元。專業文章的作者每篇文章保證能獲得150-500美元的保底收入。