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padding-bottom: 138.53%;">英語學習中如何掌握感官系動詞

1、see, hear, smell, taste, feel,這五個動詞均可作連繫動詞,後面接形容詞作表語,說明主語所處的狀態。其意思分別爲"看/聽/聞/嘗/摸起來……"。除look之外,其它幾個動詞的主語往往是物,而不是人。

例如:These flowers smell very sweet.這些花聞起來很香。

The tomatoes feel very soft.這些西紅柿摸起來很軟。


例如:Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意聽起來很有趣。


例如:She smelt the meat.她聞了聞那塊肉。

I felt in my pocket for cigarettes.我用手在口袋裏摸香菸。

4、taste, smell作不及物動詞時,可用於"taste / smell + of +名詞"結構,意爲"有……味道/氣味"。

例如:The air in the room smells of earth.房間裏的空氣有股泥土味。


例如:May I have a taste of the mooncakes?我可以嘗一口這月餅嗎?taste有品位、味道的意思。

例如:I don’t like the taste of the garlic. 我不喜歡大蒜的味道。 She dresses in poor taste.她穿着沒有品位。

look有外觀,特色的意思,例:The place has a European look.此地具有歐洲特色。

feel有感覺,感受的意思,watch有手錶,觀察的意思。例:My watch is expensive.我的手錶很貴。

6、其中look, sound, feel還能構成"look / sound / feel + as if +從句"結構,意爲"看起來/聽起來/感覺好像……"。

例如:It looks as if our class is going to win.看來我們班好像要獲勝了。



a. He looks __________.

b. He looked __________ at his broken car.

A. sad,sad B. sadly,sadly C. sad,sadly D. sadly,sad

此題應選 C。這裏要分清look用作實義動詞和連繫動詞的兩種不同用法。從句意和結構上看:a句中的look 是連繫動詞(句意爲:他看起來很傷心),所以此句用形容詞sad作表語。b句中的look是實義動詞(句意爲:他傷心地看着他的破汽車; 另外句子中的介詞at也給我們一定的提示),所以此句用副詞sadly作狀語。


1. a. Hearing this,she felt _________.

b. I felt _________ we should take some action.

A. happy,strong B. happily,strongly

C. happy,strongly D. happily,strong

2. a. The dog is too dirty and smells _________.

b. The dog can’t be used for hunting,for he smells _________.

A. bad,bad B. badly,badly

C. bad,badly D. badly,bad

3. a. He worked very hard,and his dream came _________ at last.

b. The boy came ________ to the shop with the money his mother gave him.

A. true,happy B. truly,happily

C. truly,happy D. true,happily

答案:1. C 2. C 3. D

可說taste to be 嗎:


The boy said that the fish his mother cooked tasted _________.

A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well

答案B、D比較容易排除,因爲其中的 well 是副詞。但到底是應選A還是C呢,許多同學憑感覺認爲 taste to be good 似乎很通順,於是選了C。其實,錯了,正確答案應是A。原因是用作連繫動詞的 taste 後習慣上不接to be。如:


正:The oranges I bought yesterday tasted nice.

誤:The oranges I bought yesterday tasted to be nice.

類似地,feel, smell, sound 等連繫動詞後習慣上也不接不定式 to be。如:


正:What he said sounded reasonable.

誤:What he said sounded to be reasonable.


正:The flowers smell sweet.

誤:The flowers smell to be sweet.

比較:seem, appear, prove, turn out, continue 等連繫動詞後可以接不定式 to be,也可省略 to be。如:

He seems (to be) tired. 他似乎很疲倦了。

She appears (to be) angry. 她似乎很生氣。

The news turned out (to be) false. 那消息結果是假的。

The weather continued (to be ) fine. 天氣仍然很好。
