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padding-bottom: 65.63%;">2017高考英語必考知識點總結

在as引導的非限制性定語從句中,連接代詞as在句子中可以作主語、賓語或表語等,可以指人或物。其在定語從句中的位置比較靈活,即可以在句子 前面,在句子中間或句子末尾。常用的結構有:as we all know; as is well known to…; as is often the case; as is said/mentioned above; as has been said before; as I told you before; as is evident; as often happens; as can be seen; as is/was expected; as we expect; as I can remember等。



[注意3]as引導限制性定語從句時,常構成the same…as…; such…as…; so/as …as…等結構。在從句中既可以指人、物,也可以指整個句子。


This is also part of your work, as I told you before. 我曾告訴過你,這也是你工作的一部分。

The man was a teacher, as was evident from his way of speaking. 從那人說話的樣子可明顯看出,他是個老師。

Such ideas as he hits on are worthless. 像他那樣偶然想起的主意是無用的。

It's the same story as I heard from her yesterday. 這故事跟我從她那兒聽到的相同。

He will marry as pretty a girl as he can find. 他要儘可能找漂亮的女孩結婚。

Such people as have made great contributions to the world should be greatly respected.那些對世界做出巨大貢獻的人們應該受到極大的尊重。


which引導的非限制性定語從句既可以指整個句子內容,也可以指句子的部分內容(如單詞或詞組等),在句子中可以作主語、賓語(動詞或介詞 的)、定語等。注意它在句子中的位置:只能放在主句後,不能放在主句前。表達的內容是"不好的"、"事先沒有預料到的"等時,常用which,只指物。


Yellowstone National Park, which is in Wyoming, is one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. 黃石國家公園位於懷俄明州,是世界上最美麗的國家公園之一。

The clock, which my grandfather bought, is still in good order. 這時鐘是我祖父買的,現在還走時很準。

The picture, for which he paid an enormous amount of money, was a forgery.那幅畫他花了一大筆錢購買,卻是幅贗品。

She changed her mind again, which made us all angry. 她又改變了主意,這使我們大家都生氣了。

I lived three years in Paris, during which time I learned French. 我在巴黎住了三年,在那期間我學了法語。

The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect. 天氣結果轉晴,是我們沒有預料到的。

  2017高考英語必考知識點:as, though, although引導的讓步狀語從句。

[注意]although位於句首;though位於句首或句中;as位於句中=though。它的詞序是把句中強調的形容詞、副詞、動詞或名詞放在連詞前。[參考倒裝結構] 請注意下列句式的變化:


Although/Though I'm young, I already know what career I want to follow.

→Young as/though I am, I already know what career I want to follow.我雖然年輕,但我已經明白我應該追隨什麼樣的事業。

Strange as it may seem, nobody was injured in the accident. 這次意外雖然顯得不可思議,卻沒有人受傷。

Much as I would like to help, I have a lot to do. 雖然我很想幫助你,但是我有很多事要做。

Object as you may, I will go. 縱使你反對,我也要去。





