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1. Practise making suggestions and expressing opinions. 練習提出建議並發表觀點。(p. 17Goals 2)

practise vt. 練習

practise後面的動詞一般要用-ing形式。類似practise這種接動詞-ing形式作賓語的動詞還有:finish, enjoy, mind,give up, can't help, suggest, keep等。如:① I practise playing the piano every day.我每天練習彈鋼琴。② She had finished writing the letter when I went in. 我進去時她已寫完信了。③Heenjoys skating very much. 他非常喜歡溜冰。④ Do you mind closing the window? 請你把窗

戶關上好嗎? ⑤ Mary couldn't help laughing at Tom's joke. 對於Tom的玩笑,Mary忍不住笑了。

拓展:practice n. in practice實際上put sth. into practice將...付諸實施

2. Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water.在一個玻璃杯裏裝滿淡水另一個玻璃杯裏裝滿鹽水。( p.17 Warming up No.4)

fill的用法 (1) 使滿;填滿 He filled the bath with water. 他把浴缸裝滿水。(2) 佔有(地位),任(職位)The position of the principal is not yet filled. 校長的職位還空着。(3) 供應(需求) ① Hisanswer did not fill our need. 他的回答無法滿足我們的要求。② Fill in your telephone number.請填寫你的電話號碼。③ The room was filled with laughter. 房間裏充滿了笑聲。④ I have filled up thebottle. 我把瓶子裝滿了。

拓展:fill in填寫(事項,表格等) ...把......裝滿 be filled with = be full of充滿fill up 裝滿;填寫(= fill in)

3. What can we do to protect the water on our planet?我們能做些什麼來保護我們這個星球上的水呢?(p.17 倒數第1行)

protect保護,防禦 常與介詞against (from)連用,譯爲"保護......免遭"。① He is wearing sunglassesto protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴着太陽鏡以擋強烈的陽光。② The heavy rainkept us from going out. 大雨使我們無法出去。

注意:stop (prevent) doing中from可省去; doing中from不可省。

拓展:...阻止(妨礙)...做...= stop... (from)... = prevent ... from...

4. Who tells the story in the poem?誰講了這首詩裏的故事? ( p.18 Part 1 No. 1)


(1) tell + n.(人) + n. = tell + n. + to + n. (人) Did you tell your parentsthe news? =Did you tell the news to your parents? 你把這消息告訴你父母了嗎?

(2) tell + n. (人) + (that)/wh... ① He told me(that)he would be back in anhour. 他告訴我,一個小時內他就回來。② He told her what had happened. 他告訴她發生了什麼事。

(3) tell + n. (人) + of (about) He told me of (about) hisworries.他告訴我他的煩惱。


tell + n. + from + n. 辨別......和...... all told總共

Don't tell me! 不至於吧! I (can) tell you. 的確,真的

There is no telling. 不得而知;很難說。

to tell the truth 老實說

① It's sometimes hard to tell one twin from the other. 雙胞胎有時很難分辨。② Alltold, there were 350 people killed in the plane crash. 那次墜機事件中總共有350人喪生。③Don'ttell me you are going back to your hometown.你不至於要回到你的故鄉吧。④It's a wonderfulinvention, I (can) tell you. 那的確是個了不起的發明。⑤ There is no telling where he is.無法知道他到底在哪裏。



以if從句爲代表的狀語從句中的特殊省略用法:通常省略了it is,that is,there is/are。


關係詞的省略 關係代詞that,which,whom等在限制性定語從句中充當賓語且不位於介詞之後時,可以省略;inwhich或that在先行詞way後作方式狀語從句時可省略。


1、 當條件狀語從句中有were,had,should等時省略if,把它們提至句首,形成倒裝句。



1、 感官動詞see,hear,feel,watch等和使役動詞have,make,let等後接不定式作賓語時,不定式省略to。





astronomy the science of the stars功能句型


Please look at/ listen to … Please pay attention to ... Please check that …Make sure you … Don’t forget to … Watch out for … You need … You’d better … Youmust/mustn’t … 四. 重點單詞及短語 單詞 ① atmosphere n. 大氣,空氣,氣氛 a friendly atmosphere友好的氣氛 atmospheric adj. 大氣的,有氣氛的 ② violent adj. 劇烈的,厲害的;(人)暴戾的;(感情、言語)激昂的,激烈的violence n. 劇烈,暴行

violently adv. 激烈地,粗暴地 ③ solid adj. n. 固體的;實質的;純粹的;結實賓;牢靠的,穩固的 ④ explodevt. vi. 爆炸,使爆炸;感情爆發;駁倒,_ explosion n. 爆發,爆炸

explosive adj. 爆炸性的,爆發性的 ⑤ surface n. 外表,表面;adj. 表面的,外表的;vt. vi.浮出水面,給…裝上表面 ⑥ dissolve vt. vi. 使溶解,溶解;解散,消除,解除 dissolution n. 解散,溶解 ⑦ harmfuladj. 有害的 harm n. v. 危害,傷害 harmless adj. 無害的

harmlessness n. 無害,無惡意,天真無邪 harmfully adv. 有害地 harmlessly adv. 無害地 ⑧ spreadvt. vi. n. (使)張開,伸展,擴張;塗;散佈,傳播;(使)蔓延 ⑨ exist vi. 在,存在,生存

existence n. 存在;生活,生存 ⑩ mass n. 團,塊,堆,衆多,大量;pl. 羣衆,民衆;質量 短語

in time 遲早,最後 in time for sth./to do sth. 及時,不遲

prevent … from 阻止某人做某事(from 有時可省略,但在被動說現語態中不能省) depend on/up sth.依靠,指望;相信;取決於 cheer up 使某人高興或更快樂 now that 既然,由於

break out 突然發生,逃出某地

make sense of … 理解,弄懂,有道理,有意義,理智的