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padding-bottom: 20.31%;">用英語表示分數的方法


a [one] sixth = 1/6

two thirds = 2/3

three fifths = 3/5

Three quarters of the students have passed the exam. 四分之三的學生考試及格了。

The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one-fifth ofmankind. 如果世貿組織不能容納佔世界人口五分之一的國家,那它就算不上世界貿易組織了。


 (1) 1/2 通常讀作 a [one] half,一般不讀作a second。

 (2) 1/4 可讀作 a [one] fourth,也可讀作 a [one] quarter。

 (3) 分子超過“1”分母之所以用複數可以這樣理解:“三分之二”即兩個(two)三分之一(third),既然是兩個“三分之一”,那“三分之一”當然要用複數,即用thirds。

 (4) 在數學上,爲了簡潔起見,分子和分母均可用基數詞,其間用介詞over:3/4 讀作three over four(對於比較複雜的分數通常採用此讀法)

 (5) 帶分數的讀法:在整數與分數之間用and連接:five and two thirds


China is one-sixth larger than the United States. 中國比美國大六分之一。  

It was one-fourth cheaper than the market price. 它比市場價格低四分之一。  

Houses cost one third more this year than they did five years ago.今年房價比五年前上漲了三分之一。  

The bottle had been about three-quarters full then. 那時瓶子里約莫四分之三滿。  

This substance reacts one-tenths as fast as the other one. 這種物質的反應速度是另一物質的十分之一。
