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She lost her mind over him. She could not sleep and she lost her appetite and sank so deeply into solitude that even her father became an annoyance. She worked out an intricate web of false dates to throw Fernanda off the track, lost sight of her girl friends, leaped over conventions to be with Mauricio Babilonia at any time and at any place. At first his crudeness bothered her. The first time that they were alone on the deserted fields behind the garage he pulled her mercilessly into an animal state that left her exhausted. It took her time to realize that it was also a form of tenderness and it was then that she lost her calm and lived only for him, upset by the desire to sink into his stupefying odor of grease washed off by lye. A short time before the death of Amaranta she suddenly stumbled into in open space of lucidity within the madness and she trembled before the uncertainty of the future. Then she heard about a woman who made predictions from cards and went to see her in secret. It was Pilar Ternera. As soon as Pilar saw her come in she was aware of Meme's hidden motives. "Sit down," she told her. "I don't need cards to tell the future of a Buendía," Meme did not know and never would that the centenarian witch was her great--grandmother. Nor would she have believed it after the aggressive realism with which she revealed to her that the anxiety of falling in love could not find repose except in bed. It was the same point of view as Mauricio Babilonia's, but Meme resisted believing it because underneath it all she imagined that it had been inspired by the poor judgment of a mechanic. She thought then that love on one side was defeating love on the other, because it was characteristic of men to deny hunger once their appetites were satisfied. Pilar Ternera not only cleared up that mistake, she also offered the old canopied bed where she had conceived Arcadio, Meme's grandfather, and where afterward she conceived Aureli-ano José. She also taught her how to avoid an unwanted conception by means of the evaporation of mustard plasters and gave her recipes for potions that in cases of trouble could expel "even the remorse of conscience." That interview instilled In Meme the same feeling of bravery that she had felt on the drunken evening. Amaranta's death, however, obliged her to postpone the decision. While the nine nights lasted she did not once leave the side of Mauricio Babilonia, who mingled with the crowd that invaded the house. Then came the long period of mourning and the obligatory withdrawal and they separated for a time. Those were days of such inner agitation, such irrepressible anxiety, and so many repressed urges that on the first evening that Meme was able to get out she went straight to Pilar Ternera's. She surrendered to Mauricio Babilonia, without resistance, without shyness, without formalities, and with a vocation that was so fluid and an intuition that was so wise that a more suspicious man than hers would have confused them with obvious experience. They made love twice a week for more than three months, protected by the innocent complicity of Aureli-ano Segun-do, who believed without suspicion in his daughter's alibis simply in order to set her free from her mother's rigidity.
On the night that Fernanda surprised them in the movies Aureli-ano Segun-do felt weighted down by the burden of his conscience and he visited Meme in the bedroom where Fernanda kept her locked up, trusting that she would reveal to him the confidences that she owed him. But Meme denied everything. She was so sure of herself, so anchored in her solitude that Aureli-ano Segun-do had the impression that no link existed between them anymore, that the comradeship and the complicity were nothing but an illusion of the past. He thought of speaking to Mauricio Babilonia, thinking that his authority as his former boss would make him desist from his plans, but Petra Cotes convinced him that it was a woman's business, so he was left floating in a limbo of indecision, barely sustained by the hope that the confinement would put an end to his daughter's troubles.
Meme showed no signs of affliction. On the contrary, from the next room úrsula perceived the peaceful rhythm of her sleep, the serenity of her tasks, the order of her meals, and the good health of her digestion. The only thing that intrigued úrsula after almost two months of punishment was that Meme did not take a bath in the morning like everyone else, but at seven in the evening. Once she thought of warning her about the scorpions, but Meme was so distant, convinced that she had given her away, that she preferred not to disturb her with the impertinences, of a great-great-grandmother. The yellow butterflies would invade the house at dusk. Every night on her way back from her bath Meme would find a desperate Fernanda killing butterflies with an insecticide bomb. "This is terrible," she would say, "All my life they told me that butterflies at night bring bad luck." One night while Meme was in the bathroom, Fernanda went into her bedroom by chance and there were so many butterflies that she could scarcely breathe. She grabbed for the nearest piece of cloth to shoo them away and her heart froze with terror as she connected her daughter's evening baths with the mustard plasters that rolled onto the floor. She did not wait for an opportune moment as she had the first time. On the following day she invited the new mayor to lunch. Like her, he had come down from the highlands, and she asked him to station a guard in the backyard because she had the impression that hens were being stolen. That night the guard brought down Mauricio Babilonia as he was lifting up the tiles to get into the bathroom where Meme was waiting for him, naked and trembling with love among the scorpions and butterflies as she had done almost every night for the past few months. A bullet lodged in his spinal column reduced him to his bed for the rest of his life. He died of old age in solitude, without a moan, without a protest, without a single moment of betrayal, tormented by memories and by the yellow butterflies, who did not give him a moment's peace, and ostracized as a chicken thief.


菲蘭達在電影院裏突然捉住梅梅和毛裏西奧。 巴比洛尼亞的那天晚上,奧雷連諾第二感到良心的譴責,來到禁閉女兒的臥室裏,以爲梅梅按照她的諾言在他面前吐露真情,心情就會輕鬆一些。可是梅梅否認一切。她那麼自信,一口咬定自己是孤單的,奧雷連諾第二就覺得他和女兒的關係斷了,他倆從來不是知心的夥伴——一切只是往日的幻想。他考慮是不是跟毛裏西奧·巴比洛尼亞談談,也許昔日老闆的威望能讓這個人放棄自己的打算,可是佩特娜·柯特勸他不要插手女人的事兒,他就陷入猶豫不決的狀態,希望禁錮能夠解除女兒的痛苦。
梅梅沒有顯出任何痛苦的跡象,相反地,烏蘇娜從隔壁房間裏聽到,梅梅夜間睡得挺香,白天安靜地做事,按時吃飯,消化良好。在梅梅關了幾乎兩個月之後,烏蘇娜覺得奇怪的只有一點:梅梅不象其他的人那樣早上走進浴室,而是晚上七時走進浴室,有一次,烏蘇娜甚至想警告梅梅當心蠍子,可是梅梅認爲高祖母出賣了她,避免跟烏蘇娜談話,烏蘇娜就決定不再婆媽媽地打擾她了。天剛黑,房子裏就滿是黃蝴蝶。每天晚上從浴室出來的時候,梅梅都發現絕望的菲蘭達用噴射殺蟲劑來消滅蝴蝶。“真可怕,”菲蘭達哼叫起來,“我一直聽說,夜出的蝴蝶會帶來災禍。”有一次,梅梅在浴室裏的時候,菲蘭達偶然走進她的房間,那麼多的蝴蝶使她氣都喘不過來。她隨手抓起一塊布來驅趕它們,但她把女兒夜間的沐浴和散在地上的芥末膏聯繫起來,就嚇得發呆了,菲蘭達並不象前次那樣等候方便的機會。第二天,她就把新任鎮長邀來吃午飯。這位鎮長象她一樣是生在山裏的。她請他夜間在她的後院設置一名警衛,因爲她覺得有人偷她的雞。那天夜裏,幾乎象過去幾個月的每天夜晚一樣,梅梅在浴室裏裸着身子,正在戰戰兢兢地等候毛裏西奧。 巴比洛尼亞,周圍滿是蠍子和蝴蝶;這時,毛裏西奧。 巴比洛尼亞在房頂上揭開一塊瓦正想跳下浴室,警衛就開槍打傷了他。子彈陷在他的脊柱裏,使他躺在牀上一直到死。他是在孤獨中老死的,沒有抱怨,沒有憤恨,沒有出賣別人;往事的回憶以及不讓他有片刻寧靜的黃蝴蝶把他折磨死了,人家都罵他是偷雞的賊。