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Chapter 18
AURELIANO DID NOT leave Melquíades?room for a long time. He learned by heart the fantastic legends of the crumbling books, the synthesis of the studies of Hermann the Cripple, the notes on the science of demonology, the keys to the philosopher’s stone, the Centuries of Nostradamus and his research concerning the plague, so that he reached adolescence without knowing a thing about his own time but with the basic knowledge of a medieval man. Any time that Santa Sofía de la Piedad would go into his room she would find him absorbed in his reading. At dawn she would bring him a mug of coffee without sugar and at noon a plate of rice and slices of fried plantain, which were the only things eaten in the house since the death of Aureliano Segundo. She saw that his hair was cut, picked off the nits, took in to his size the old clothing that she found in forgotten trunks, and when his mustache began to appear the brought him Colonel Aureliano Buendía’s razor and the small gourd he had used as a shaving mug. None of the latter’s children had looked so much like him, not even Aureliano Jos? particularly in respect to the prominent cheekbones and the firm and rather pitiless line of the lips. As had happened to ?rsula with Aureliano Segundo when the latter was studying in the room, Santa Sofía de la Piedad thought that Aureliano was talking to himself. Actually, he was talking to Melquíades. One burning noon, a short time after the death of the twins, against the light of the window he saw the gloomy old man with his crow’s-wing hat like the materialization of a memory that had been in his head since long before he was born. Aureliano had finished classifying the alphabet of the parchments, so that when Melquíades asked him if he had discovered the language in which they had been written he did not hesitate to answer.
“Sanskrit,?he said.
Melquíades revealed to him that his opportunities to return to the room were limited. But he would go in peace to the meadows of the ultimate death because Aureliano would have time to learn Sanskrit during the years remaining until the parchments became one hundred years old, when they could be deciphered. It was he who indicated to Aureliano that on the narrow street going down to the river, where dreams had been interpreted during the time of the banana company, a wise Catalonian had a bookstore where there was a Sanskrit primer, which would be eaten by the moths within six years if he did not hurry to buy it. For the first time in her long life Santa Sofía de la Piedad let a feeling show through, and it was a feeling of wonderment when Aureliano asked her to bring him the book that could be found between Jerusalem Delivered and Milton’s poems on the extreme right-hand side of the second shelf of the bookcases. Since she could not read, she memorized what he had said and got some money by selling one ofthe seventeen little gold fishes left in the workshop, the whereabouts of which, after being hidden the night the soldiers searched the house, was known only by her and Aureliano. Aureliano made progress in his studies of Sanskrit as Melquíades?visits became less and less frequent and he was more distant, fading away in the radiant light of noon. The last time that Aureliano sensed him he was only an invisible presence who murmured: “I died of fever on the sands of Singapore.?The room then became vulnerable to dust, heat, termites, red ants, and moths, who would turn the wisdom of the parchments into sawdust.
There was no shortage of food in the house. The day after the death of Aureliano Segundo, one of the friends who had brought the wreath with the irreverent inscription offered to pay Fernanda some money that he had owed her husband. After that every Wednesday a delivery boy brought a basket of food that was quite sufficient for a week. No one ever knew that those provisions were being sent by Petra Cotes with the idea that the continuing charity was a way of humiliating the person who had humiliated her. Nevertheless, the rancor disappeared much sooner than she herself had expected, and then she continued sending the food out of pride and finally out of compassion. Several times, when she had no animals to raffle off and people lost interest in the lottery, she went without food so that Fernanda could have something to eat, and she continued fulfilling the pledge to herself until she saw Fernanda’s funeral procession pass by.


第 十 八 章
奧雷連諾。 布恩蒂亞 在梅爾加德斯房間裏又度過了一些漫長的歲月。在這個房間裏,他背誦破書中的幻想故事,閱讀赫爾曼。克里珀修士的學說簡述,看看關於鬼神學的短評,瞭解點金石的尋找方法,細讀諾斯特拉達馬斯的《世紀》和他關於瘟疫的研究文章,就這樣跨過了少年時代;他對自己的時代沒有任何概念,卻掌握了中世紀人類最重要的科學知識。聖索菲婭。 德拉佩德無論什麼時刻走進房間,總碰見奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞在埋頭看書。一大早,她給他送來一杯清咖啡,晌午又給他送來一碗米飯和幾小片炸香蕉——奧雷連諾第二死後家裏唯一的一種吃食。她給他剪頭髮、蓖頭屑,給他改做收藏在箱子裏的舊外衣和舊襯衫;見他臉上長了鬍子,又給他拿來奧雷連諾上校的刮臉刀和剃鬍子用的水杯。梅梅的這個兒子比上校自己的親兒子更象上校,甚至比奧雷連諾·霍塞更象上校,特別是他那突出的顴骨,堅毅而傲慢的嘴巴,更加強了這種相似。 從前,一聽到坐在梅爾加德斯房間裏的奧雷連諾第二開口,烏蘇娜就以爲他似乎在自言自語,如今聖索菲婭·德拉佩德對奧雷連諾。布恩蒂亞也有同樣的想法。事實上,奧雷連諾。布恩蒂亞(即前面所說的小奧雷連諾。)是在跟梅爾加德斯談話。一對孿生兄弟死後不久,一個酷熱的晌午,奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞在明亮的窗子背景上看見一個陰森的老頭兒,戴着烏鴉翅膀似的寬邊帽;這個老頭兒好象是奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞出生之前很久的某個模糊形象的化身。那時,奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞已經完成羊皮紙手稿全部字母的分類工作。所以,梅爾加德斯問他知不知道是用哪一種文字作的這些記錄時,他毫不猶豫地回答:
梅爾加德斯說,他能看到自己這個房間的日子剩得不多了。不過,在羊皮紙手稿滿一百週年之前的這些年月裏,他一旦知道奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞學會了梵文,能夠破譯它們,他將放心地走到最終死亡的葬身地去。奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞正是從他那兒得知,香蕉公司還在這兒的時候,在人們占卜未來和圓夢的那條朝着小河的小街上,有一個博學的加泰隆尼亞人開設的一家書店,那兒就有梵文語法書,他應當趕緊弄到它,否則六年之後它就會被蛀蟲蛀壞。奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞忙請聖索菲婭·德拉佩德去給他買這本書,此書是放在書架第二排右角《解放的耶路撒冷》和密爾頓詩集之間的。在自己漫長的生活中,聖索菲婭·德拉佩德心中第一次不由自主地產生一種奇特的感覺。聖索菲婭·德拉佩德不識字,她只好背熟奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞的話,爲了弄到買書的錢,她賣掉了藏在首飾作坊裏的十七條小金魚當中的一條;那天晚上士兵們搜查住宅之後。只有她和奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞知道這些小金魚放在哪兒。奧雷連諾。 布恩蒂亞在梵文學習中取得一些成績之後,梅加泰隆尼亞系西班牙西北部的一個地區。爾加德斯來的次數越來越少了,變得越來越遙遠了,逐漸消溶在晌午那種令人目眩的強光中了。老頭兒最後一次來的時候,奧雷連諾·布恩蒂亞甚至沒有看見他,只是感到他那虛無飄渺的存在,辨別出了他那勉強使人能夠聽清的低語聲:“我患瘧疾死在新加坡的沙灘上了。”從那一天起,梅爾加德斯的房間裏開始毫無阻攔地鑽進了灰塵、熱氣、白螞蟻、紅螞蟻和蛀蟲一——這些蛀蟲將把書籍和羊皮紙手稿連同它們那些絕對玄奧的內容一起變成廢物。
家裏並不缺少吃的。但是奧雷連諾第二死後第二天,在送那隻寫了一句不恭敬題詞的花圈的人當中,有一個朋友向菲蘭達提出,要付清從前欠她亡夫的錢。從這一天起,每星期三,就有一個人來到這兒,手裏提着一隻裝滿各種食物的藤籃,藤籃裏的食物吃一個星期還綽綽有餘。家裏誰也不知道·這些食物都是佩特娜。 柯特送來的,她以爲固定的施捨是貶低那個曾經貶低她的人的一種有效方式。其實,佩特娜·柯特心裏的怒氣消失得比她自己預料得還快,就這樣,奧雷連諾第二昔日的情婦,最初是出於自豪,後來則是出於同情,繼續給他的寡婦送食物來。過了一些日子,佩特娜·柯特沒有足夠的力量出售彩票了,人們對抽彩也失去了興趣。當時,她自己也飢腸轆轆地坐着,卻還供養菲蘭達,依然盡着自己肩負的責任,直到目睹對方入葬。