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The rotten tiles broke with a noise of disaster and the man barely had time to let out a cry of terror as he cracked his skull and was killed outright on the cement floor. The foreigners who heard the noise in the dining room and hastened to remove the body noticed the suffocating odor of Remedios the Beauty on his skin. It was so deep in his body that the cracks in his skull did not give off blood but an amber-colored oil that was impregnated with that secret perfume, and then they understood that the smell of Remedios the Beauty kept on torturing men beyond death, right down to the dust of their bones. Nevertheless, they did not relate that horrible accident to the other two men who had died because of Remedios the Beauty. A victim was still needed before the outsiders and many of the old inhabitants of Macon-do would credit the legend that Remedios Buendía did not give off a breath of love but a fatal emanation. The occasion for the proof of it came some months later on one afternoon when Remedios the Beauty went with a group of girl friends to look at the new plantings. For the girls of Macon-do that novel game was reason for laughter and surprises, frights and jokes, and at night they would talk about their walk as if it had been an experience in a dream. Such was the prestige of that silence that úrsula did not have the heart to take the fun away from Remedios the Beauty, and she let her go one afternoon, providing that she wore a hat and a decent dress. As soon as the group of friends went into the plantings the air became impregnated with a fatal fragrance. The men who were working along the rows felt possessed by a strange fascination, menaced by some invisible danger, and many succumbed to a terrible desire to weep. Remedios the Beauty and her startled friends managed to take refuge in a nearby house just as they were about to be assaulted by a pack of ferocious males. A short time later they were rescued by the flour Aureli-anos, whose crosses of ash inspired a sacred respect, as if they were caste marks, stamps of invulnerability. Remedios the Beauty did not tell anyone that one of the men, taking advantage of the tumult, had managed to attack her stomach with a hand that was more like the claw of an eagle clinging to the edge of a precipice. She faced the attacker in a kind of instantaneous flash and saw the disconsolate eyes, which remained stamped on her heart like the hot coals of pity. That night the man boasted of his audacity and swaggered over his good luck on the Street of the Turks a few minutes before the kick of a horse crushed his chest and a crowd of outsiders saw him die in the middle of the street, drowned in his own bloody vomiting.
The supposition that Remedios the Beauty Possessed powers of death was then borne out by four irrefutable events. Although some men who were easy with their words said that it was worth sacrificing one's life for a night of love with such an arousing woman, the truth was that no one made any effort to do so. Perhaps, not only to attain her but also to conjure away her dangers, all that was needed was a feeling as primitive and as simple as that of love, but that was the only thing that did not occur to anyone. úrsula did not worry about her any more. On another occasion, when she had not yet given up the idea of saving her for the world, she had tried to get her interested in basic domestic affairs. "Men demand much more than you think," she would tell her enigmatically. "There's a lot of cooking, a lot of sweeping, a lot of suffering over little things beyond what you think." She was deceiving herself within, trying to train her for domestic happiness because she was convinced that once his passion was satisfied them would not be a man on the face of the earth capable of tolerating even for a day a negligence that was beyond all understanding. The birth of the latest José Arcadio and her unshakable will to bring him up to be Pope finally caused her to cease worrying about her great--granddaughter. She abandoned her to her fate, trusting that sooner or later a miracle would take place and that in this world of everything there would also be a man -with enough sloth to put up with her. For a long time already Amaranta had given up trying to make her into a useful woman. Since those forgotten afternoons when her niece barely had enough interest to turn the crank on the sewing machine, she had reached the conclusion that she was simpleminded. "Were going to have to raffle you off," she would tell her, perplexed at the fact that men's words would not penetrate her. Later on, when úrsula insisted that Remedios the Beauty go to mass with her face covered with a shawl, Amaranta thought that a mysterious recourse likethat would turn out to be so provoking that soon a man would come who would be intrigued enough to search out patiently for the weak point of her heart. But when she saw the stupid way in which she rejected a pretender who for many reasons was more desirable than a prince, she gave up all hope. Fernanda did not even make any attempt to understand her. When she saw Remedios the Beauty dressed as a queen at the bloody carnival she thought that she was an extraordinary creature. But when she saw her eating with her hands, incapable of giving an answer that was not a miracle of simplemindedness, the only thing that she lamented was the fact that the idiots in the family lived so long. In spite of the fact that Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía kept on believing and repeating that Remedios the Beauty was in reality the most lucid being that he had ever known and that she showed it at every moment with her startling ability to put things over on everyone, they let her go her own way. Remedios the Beauty stayed there wandering- through the desert of solitude, bearing no cross on her back, maturing in her dreams without nightmares, her interminable baths, her unscheduled meals, her deep and prolonged silences that had no memory until one afternoon in March, when Fernanda wanted to fold her brabant sheets in the garden and asked the women in the house for help. She had just begun when Amaranta noticed that Remedios the Beauty was covered all over by an intense paleness.
"Don't you feel well?" she asked her.
Remedios the Beauty, who was clutching the sheet by the other end, gave a pitying smile.
"Quite the opposite," she said, "I never felt better."


俏姑娘雷麥黛絲擁有置人死地的能力,這種猜測現在已由四個不可辯駁的事例證實了。雖然有些喜歡吹牛的人說,跟這樣迷人的娘兒們睡上一夜,不要命也是值得的,但是誰也沒有這麼幹。其實,要博得她的歡心,又不會受到她的致命傷害,只要有一種原始的、樸素的感情——愛情就夠了,然而這一點正是誰也沒有想到的。烏蘇娜不再關心自己的曾孫女兒了。以前,她還想挽救這個姑娘的時候,曾讓她對一些簡單的家務發生興趣。“男人需要的比你所想的多,”她神祕地說。“除了你所想的,還需要你沒完沒了地做飯啦,打掃啦,爲雞毛蒜皮的事傷腦筋啦。”烏蘇娜心裏明白,她竭力教導這個姑娘如何獲得家庭幸福,是她在欺騙自己,因爲她相信:世上沒有那麼一個男人,滿足自己的情慾之後,還能忍受俏姑娘雷麥黛絲叫人無法理解的疏懶。最後一個霍。 阿卡蒂奧剛剛出世,烏蘇娜就拼命想使他成爲一個教皇,也就不再關心曾孫女兒了。她讓姑娘聽天由命,相信無奇不有的世界總會出現奇蹟,遲早能夠找到一個很有耐性的男人來承受這個負擔,在很長的時期裏,阿瑪蘭塔已經放棄了使悄姑娘雷麥黛絲適應家務的一切打算。在很久以前的那些晚上,在阿瑪蘭塔的房間裏,她養育的姑娘勉強同意轉動縫紉機把手的飼·候,她就終於認爲俏姑娘雷麥黛絲只是一個笨蛋。“我們得用抽彩的辦法把你賣出去,”她擔心姑娘對男人主個無動於衷,就向她說。後來,俏姑娘雷麥黛絲去教堂時,烏蘇娜囑咐她蒙上面紗,阿瑪蘭塔以爲這種神祕辦法倒是很誘人的,也許很快就會出現一個十分好奇的男人,耐心地在她心中尋找薄弱的地方。但是,在這姑娘輕率地拒絕一個在各方面都比任何王子都迷人的追求者之後,阿瑪蘭塔失去了最後的希望。而菲蘭達呢,她根本不想了解俏姑娘雷麥黛絲。她在血腥的狂歡節瞧見這個穿着女王衣服的姑娘時,本來以爲這是一個非凡的人物。可是,當她發現雷麥黛絲用手吃飯,而且只能回答一兩句蠢話時,她就慨嘆布恩蒂亞家的白癡存在太久啦。儘管奧雷連諾上校仍然相信,並且說了又說,俏姑娘雷麥黛絲實際上是他見過的人當中頭腦最清醒的人,她經常用她挖苫別人的驚人本領證明了這一點,但家裏的人還是讓她走自己的路。於是,俏姑娘雷麥黛絲開始在孤獨的沙漠裏徘徊,但沒感到任何痛苦,並且在沒有夢魘的酣睡中,在沒完沒了的休浴中,在不按時的膳食中,在長久的沉恩中,逐漸成長起來。直到三月裏的一天下午,菲蘭達打算取下花園中繩子上的牀單,想把它們折起來,呼喚家中的女人來幫忙。她們剛剛動手,阿瑪蘭塔發現俏姑娘雷麥黛絲突然變得異常緊張和蒼白。