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美國習慣用語 第824:business as usual

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就在一個小時之前,我們辦公室這裏經歷了一場驚心動魄!同事都在伏案工作的時候,火警鈴忽然響了, 大家爭相下樓,議論紛紛。後來證實,其實是廚房微波爐裏熱的東西着火了,弄響了火警。於是大家也紛紛回到辦公桌前,重新拿起手中的工作。這件小事讓我想到一個習慣用語,那就是:business as usual.

padding-bottom: 100%;">美國習慣用語-第824:business as usual

大家都知道,business是營業的意思,usual 呢,是正常的。那麼business as usual, 用來形容事情經過了異常之後恢復正常狀態,可以翻譯成“一切照舊,虛驚一場”。

上面的例子中, people resumed work after a small fire incident, it was business as usual. 大家在着火小插曲之後繼續工作,辦公室恢復正常。


例句-1:Imagine preparing breakfast for six kids. Then getting them washed and dressed, packing their lunches and getting them off to school. That might seem like a huge challenge. But for my wife and me, it's business as usual. It's part of our everyday routine.


想像一下,要照料六個孩子,真是不容易!不過,這與經歷過大災難的人相比只是小事一樁。想想日本今年三月的大地震,不知道要經過多久這個國家才能恢復原狀。It will not be business as usual any time soon for the Japanese people. 日本人民的生活近期內恐怕很難恢復常態。


我們居住的小鎮是個安靜的地方,平常非常愜意。不過有一次,一個名導演看中了我們小鎮,準備來這裏拍攝。這一下發生了什麼事情呢? 我們來聽聽看:

例句-2:Normally, my tiny town is a quiet place. But when a movie director chose it as the site for his upcoming picture, it became incredibly busy. Film stars and production crews flooded Main Street. The local restaurants served overflow crowds, shops saw increased sales, and news reporters came from all around seeking interviews. For three weeks, it was anything but business as usual.


被導演看中也許是好事,這樣一來可以大大提高小鎮的知名度,商店餐館也能更好的營業額。可是對我們這些居民來說,我們想要的只是business as usual, 以往的安靜生活。看來任何事都有兩面性。