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蹩腳口語:be careful
地道口語:walk a thin line

padding-bottom: 100%;">影視英語口語:不記得


- Well, as you know, Sebastian and I were in college together... And he w- He was- He was always saying how great south Florida is... and that maybe my wife and I might enjoy it here, so we decided to come down here.
- Are you a comedian too?
- Excuse me?
- Like your friend over here.
- No.
- He's walking a very thin line. It's a good thing he knows how to write.

- 你知道的,Sebastian和我是大學同學,他……那個……他總是說南弗羅裏達有多好有多好……覺着我和我老婆會喜歡這裏,所以我們就南下了。
- 你也是個小丑麼?
- 啥?
- 就像你這位朋友似的。
- 不是。
- 他總是沒個分寸。還好他挺能寫。

【口語講解】walk a thin line
這個習語看字面就會想到走鋼絲,引申義也有點接近,是to balance two competing ideas or groups,保持雙方面的平衡,就有點表示掌握平衡、拿捏分寸的意思咯。